Zhang Xinhua
Highest Education Ph.D
Phone 020-37252993
Email xhzhang@scib.ac.cn
Office Xingke Road 723, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City
Education and Appointments


2002.9-2007.7, Ph.D South China Botanical Garden, CAS

1998.9-2002.7, Bachelor's degree, Northwest Normal University

Working experience:

2017.8-present, Associate researcher, South China Botanical Garden, CAS

2014.6-2014.12, Postdoc, School of Life Science, La Trobe University in Australia

2013.5-2014.5, Visiting scholar at The University of Western Australia

2007.8-2017.7, Assistant researcher, South China Botanical Garden, CAS

Research Interest

Molecular mechanism of biosynthesis and regulation of plant secondary metabolites; Mechanism of plant stress response

Public Services

Reviewer of “Plos One”, “Environmental Science and Pollution Research”, The Scientific Journal of Botany” etc.

Selected Publication

1.       Zhang XH, Ivanova A, Vandepoele K, Radomiljac J, de Velde JV, Willems P, Berkowitz O, Ng S, Storme V, Van Aken O, Duncan O, Zhang BT, Chan KX, Vaneechoutte D, Pogson B, Van Beusegem F, Whelan J, De Clercq I. The transcription factor MYB29 is a regulator of ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE 1a in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology, 2017, 173: 1824-1843.

2.       Zhang XH*, Teixeira da Silva JA, Niu MY, Li MZ, He CM, Zhao JH, Zeng SJ, Duan J, Ma GH. Physiological and transcriptomic analyses reveal a response mechanism of cold stress in Santalum album L. leaves. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 42165; doi: 10.1038/srep42165. (*corresponding author)

3.       Zhang XH*, Berkowitz O, Teixeira da Silva JA, Zhang MH, Ma GH, Whelan J, Duan J. RNA-seq analysis identifies key genes associated with haustorial development in the root hemiparasite Santalum album. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: 661, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00661. (*corresponding author)

4.       Teixeira da Silva JA, M. Kher M, Soner D, Page T, Zhang XH*, M. Nataraj, Ma GH. Sandalwood: basic biology, tissue culture, and genetic transformation. Planta, 2016, 243: 847-887. (*corresponding author)

5.       Zhang XH*, Zhao JT, Teixeira da Silva JA, Ma GH. 2016. In vitro plant regeneration from nodal segments of the spontaneous F1 hybrid Santalum yasi × S. album and its parents S. album and S. yasi. Trees-Structure and Function, 2016, 30:1983-1994. (*corresponding author)

6.       Zhang XH*, Teixeira da Silva JA, Duan J, Xia NH. Pollen morphology of Magnolioideae in China and its taxonomic implications. Scientia Horticulturae, 2014, 176: 170-179. (*corresponding author)

7.       Zhang XH, Teixeira da Silva JA, Duan J, Deng RF, Xu XL, Ma GH. Endogenous hormone levels and anatomical characters of haustoria in Santalum album L. seedlings before and after attachment to the host. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2012, 169: 859-866.

8.       Zhang YY, Yan HF, Niu MY, Cheng QW, Zhang XH*, Teixeira da Silva JA, Ma GH. Multiple strategies for increasing yields of essential oil and obtaining sandalwood terpenoids by biotechnological methods in sandalwood. Trees-Structure and Function, 2017, 1-12, doi: 10.1007/s00468-017-1558-y. (*corresponding author)

9.       Zhang YY, Chen YL, Zhang XH*, Teixeira da Silva JA, Ma GH. Adventitious shoot induction from internode and root explants in a semiparasitic herb Monochasma savatieri Franch ex Maxim. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2017, 36: 799-804. (*corresponding author)

10.    Teixeira da Silva JA, Kulus D, Zhang XH*, Zeng SJMa GH, Piqueras A. Disinfection of explants for saffron (Crocus sativus) tissue culture. Environmental and Experimental Biology, 2016, 14: 183-98. (*corresponding author)

11.    Zhang XH, Dai SP, Teixeira da Silva JA, Ma GH. In vitro shoot organogenesis and plant regeneration in Tibouchina aspera Aubl. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology, 2015, 51: 482-487.

12.    Zhang XH, Teixeira da Silva JA, Jia YX, Zhao JT, Ma GH. Chemical composition of volatile oils from the pericarp of Indian sandalwood (Santalum album L.). Natural Product Communications, 2012, 7: 93-96.

13.    Zhang XH, Teixeira da Silva JA, Yan J, Ma GH. Essential oils composition from roots of Santalum album L. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plant, 2012, 15: 1-6.

14.    Zhang XH, Teixeira da Silva JA, Ma GH. Karyotype analysis of Santalum album L. Caryologia, 2010, 63: 142-148.

15.    He CM, Yu ZM, Teixeira da Silva JA, Zhang JX, Liu XC, Wang XJ, Zhang XH, Zeng SJ, Wu KL, Tan JW, Ma GH, Luo JP, Duan J. DoGMP1 from Dendrobium officinale contributes to mannose content of water-soluble polysaccharides and plays a role in salt stress response. Scientific Reports, 2017, doi: 10.1038/srep41010.

16.    Ouyang Y, Chen YL, Lü JF, Teixeira da Silva JA, Zhang XH, Ma GH. 2016. Somatic embryogenesis and enhanced shoot organogenesis in Metabriggsia ovalifolia W. T. Wang. Scientific Reports, 2017, doi: 10.1038/srep24662.

17.    Zhang JX, He CM, Wu KL, Teixeira da Silva JA, Zeng SJ, Zhang XH, Yu ZM, Xia HQ, Duan J. Transcriptome analysis of Dendrobium officinale and its application to the identification of genes associated with polysaccharide synthesis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00005.

18.    Zhao JH, Li MZ, Gu DC, Liu XC, Zhang JX, Wu KL, Zhang XH, Teixeira da Silva JA, Duan J. Involvement of rice histone deacetylase HDA705 in seed germination and in response to ABA and abiotic stresses. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2016, 470: 439-444.

19.    Ouyang Y, Zhang XH, Chen YL, Teixeira da Silva JA, Ma GH. Growth, photosynthesis and haustorial development of semiparasitic Santalum album L. penetrating into roots of three hosts: a comparative study. Trees-Structure and Function, 2016, 30(1): 317-328.

20.    Yang XY, Zhang XH, Teixeira da Silva JA, Liang KM, Deng RF, Ma GH. Ontogenesis of the collapsed layer during haustorium development in the root hemi-parasite Santalum album Linn. Plant Biology (Stuttg). 2014, 16(1): 282-90.

21.    Ma GH, Zhang XH, Eric B, Kingsley D. Megasporogenesis and embryogenesis in three sympatric Posidonia seagrass species. Aquatic Botany, 2012, 100: 1-7.

22.    Ma GH, Lü JF, Teixeira da Silva JA, Zhang XH, Zhao JT. Shoot organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis from leaf and shoot explants of Ochna integerrima (Lour). Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 2011, 104: 157-162.