Wang Faming
Highest Education Ph.D
Post Professor
Phone 020-37252905
Office South China Botanical Garden, No.723,Xingkelu,Tianhe,Guangzhou,China
Education and Appointments


September 2005—June 2010

Ph. D in Ecology, Advisor: Prof. Zhian Li

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

September 2001--July 2005

B.S in biology

Shandong University


Work Experiences                                                    

2021/08-now: Director of Xiaoliang Research Station for Tropical Coastal Ecosystems (A long term ecological research station since 1959), CAS.

2019/05-nowProfessor in South China Botanical Garden, CAS

2015/03-2019/02: Joint Post-Doc researcher in Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Chicago, USA.

2014-2018: Deputy Director of Xiaoliang Research Station for Tropical Coastal Ecosystems (A long term ecological research station since 1959), CAS.

2010-2015/4: Assistant Scientist in South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), CAS, China.

2009-2010: visiting Ph. D students, State University of New York -Binghamton, USA.

Research Interest

Prof. Faming Wang is a biogeochemist. His research focused on examining how climate change and human perturbations of the coastal ecosystems affected biogeochemistry cycling. His approach to research is multi-disciplinary, spanning the fields of plant physiology, ecology, microbiology, policy, and molecular biology. Prof. Wang graduated from South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), The Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010, and earned Ph. D in soil ecology. Then, he worked as a faculty in South China Botanical Garden to now. From 2015 to 2019, he visited the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) The University of Chicago, and worked as a post-doc researcher in MBL. Currently, Prof. Wang is the head of Coastal Ecosystems Biogeochemistry Lab and holds the position of professor in SCBG. He is actively involved in academic service, and serves as associate editor of Functional Ecology, Ecology and Evolution, and editorial board of Journal of Plant Ecology, Plant and Soil, and Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology. He has published >50 peer-reviewed papers, including 27 papers as leading (or corresponding) author published in the high ranked international journals, e.g. National Science Review, Nature Communications, Functional Ecology et al. He has received over one million US$ research funding, including four National Science Funding of China grants. In 2020, Prof. Wang was listed in the China National Forestry and Grassland Administration Youth Talent Support Program. In 2021, He was listed in the China National Youth Talent Support Program.

Public Services

Associate Editor:

Functional Ecology, 2017-present

Ecology and Evolution, 2015-present.

Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany (In Chinese), 2021-present

Editorial Board:

Plant Soil, 2021-present

Journal of Plant Ecology, 2020-present

National Science Review, 2021-present

Journal of Applied Ecology (In Chinese), 2020-present

Selected Publication

1) Faming Wang#*, Christian J. Sanders#*, Isaac R. Santos, Jianwu Tang, Mark Schuerch, Matthew L. Kirwan, Robert E. Kopp, Kai Zhu, Xiuzhen Li, Jiacan Yuan, Wenzhi Liu, Zhian Li Global blue carbon accumulation in tidal wetlands increases with climate change. National Science Review, 20218(9):nwaa296 (IF 17.6)

2) Faming Wang#, X. Lu#, C. J. Sanders, and J. Tang*. 2019. Tidal wetland resilience to sea level rise increases their carbon sequestration capacity in United States. Nature Communications201910:5434. IF14.9

3) Zhang, J., E. J. Sayer, J. Zhou, Y. Li, Y. Li, Z. Li, and Faming Wang*. Long-term fertilization modifies the mineralization of soil organic matter in response to added substrate. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 798:149341.

4) Fan, Y., Faming Wang*, E. J. Sayer, Z. Liu, Q. Mo, X. Xu, Y. Li, B. Zou, Y. Li, J. Zhang, and Z. Li. Nutrient addition enhances carbon sequestration in soil but not plant biomass in a coastal shelter plantation in South China. Land Degradation & Development, 2021, 324768-4778.

5) Mo, Qifeng; Wang, Wenjuan; Lambers, Hans; Chen, Yiqun; Yu, Shiqin; Wu, Chunsheng; Fan, Yingxu; Zhou, Qing; Li, Zhian; Faming Wang*; Response of foliar mineral nutrients to long-term nitrogen and phosphorus addition in a tropical forest, Functional Ecology, 2021, 35:2329-2341.

6) Mo Q, Li Za, Sayer EJ, Lambers H, Li Y, Zou B, Tang J, Heskel M, Ding Y, Faming Wang*Foliar phosphorus fractions reveal how tropical plants maintain photosynthetic rates despite low soil phosphorus availability. Functional Ecology, 201833:503-513.

7) Faming Wang, Yongzhen Ding, Emma Sayer, Weixing Zhu, Jian Li, Jianwu Tang, Zhian Li*Tropical forest restoration: fast resilience of plant biomass contrasts with slow recovery of stable soil C stocks. Functional Ecology, 201731:2344-2355.

8) Yao Chen, Emma Sayer, Zhian Li, Bi Zou, Qifeng Mo, Yingwen Li, Jianwu Tang, Faming Wang*. Nutrient limitation of woody debris decomposition in a tropical forest: Contrasting effects of N and P addition. Functional Ecology, 2016, 30: 295-304.

9) Faming Wang, Kroeger KD, Spivak AC, Tang J*; Plant biomass and rates of carbon dioxide uptake are enhanced by successful restoration of tidal connectivity in salt marshes, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 750: 141566.

10) Faming Wang, Kroeger KD, Gonneea ME, Pohlman JW, Tang J*; Water salinity and inundation control soil carbon decomposition during salt marsh restoration: An incubation experiment, Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 9: 1911-1921.

11) Zhang J, Li J, Fan Y, Mo Q, Li Y, Li Y, Li Z, Faming Wang *; Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on litter decomposition and nutrients release in a tropical forest, Plant and Soil, 2020, 454: 139-153.

12) Mo Q, Chen Y, Yu S, Fan Y, Peng Z, Wang W, Li Za, Faming Wang*; Leaf nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations of understory woody species regulated by soil phosphorus availability in a tropical forest, Ecology and Evolution, 2020, 10: 8429-8438.

13) Mo Q, Li Za, Zhu W, Zou B, Li Y, Yu S, Ding Y, Chen Y, Li X, Faming Wang*; Reforestation in southern China: revisiting soil N mineralization and nitrification after 8 years restoration, Sci Rep, 2016, 6: 19770.

14) Faming Wang, Zhu W*, Chen H; Changes of soil C stocks and stability after 70-year afforestation in the Northeast USA, Plant and Soil, 2016, 401: 319-329.

15) Yu S, Mo Q, Chen Y, Li Y, Li Y, Zou B, Xia H, Jun W, Li Z*, Faming Wang*; Effects of seasonal precipitation change on soil respiration processes in a seasonally dry tropical forest, Ecology and Evolution, 2020, 10: 467-479.

16) Yu S, Mo Q, Li Y, Li Y, Zou B, Xia H, Li Z*, Faming Wang*; Changes in seasonal precipitation distribution but not annual amount affect litter decomposition in a secondary tropical forest, Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 9: 11344-11352.

17) Li J, Li Z, Faming Wang*, Zou B, Chen Y, Zhao J, Mo Q, Li Y, Li X, Xia H; Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on soil microbial community in a secondary tropical forest of China, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2015, 51: 207-215.

18) Mo Q, Zou B, Li Y, Chen Y, Zhang W, Mao R, Ding Y, Wang J, Lu X, Li X, Tang J, Li Z*, Faming Wang*; Response of plant nutrient stoichiometry to fertilization varied with plant tissues in a tropical forest, Sci Rep, 2015, 5: 14605.

19) Faming Wang, Li J, Wang X, Zhang W, Zou B, Neher DA, Li Z*; Nitrogen and phosphorus addition impact soil N2O emission in a secondary tropical forest of South China, Sci Rep, 2014, 4: 5615.

20) Faming Wang#, Li J#, Zou B, Xu X, Li ZA*; Effect of Prescribed Fire on Soil Properties and N Transformation in Two Vegetation Types in South China, Environmental Management, 2013, 51: 1164-1173.

21) Faming Wang#, Liu J#, Zou B, Neher DA, Zhu W, Li Z*; Species-dependent responses of soil microbial properties to fresh leaf inputs in a subtropical forest soil in South China, Journal of Plant Ecology, 2013, 7: 86-96.

22) Faming Wang#, Xu X#, Zou B, Guo Z, Li Z*, Zhu W*; Biomass Accumulation and Carbon Sequestration in Four Different Aged Casuarina equisetifolia Coastal Shelterbelt Plantations in South China, Plos One, 2013, 8: e77449.

23) Faming Wang, Zhu W, Zou B, Neher DA, Fu S, Xia H, Li Z*; Seedling growth and soil nutrient availability in exotic and native tree species: implications for afforestation in southern China, Plant and Soil, 2013, 364: 207-218.

24) Faming Wang, Zou B, Li H, Li Z*; The effect of understory removal on microclimate and soil properties in two subtropical lumber plantations, Journal of Forest Research, 2013, 19: 238-243.

25) Zhao J#, Faming Wang#, Li J#, Zou B, Wang X, Li Z*, Fu S*; Effects of experimental nitrogen and/or phosphorus additions on soil nematode communities in a secondary tropical forest, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2014, 75: 1-10.

26) Faming Wang, Li Z*, Xia H, Zou B, Li N, Liu J, Zhu W; Effects of nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing tree species on soil properties and nitrogen transformation during forest restoration in southern China, Soil Science and Plant Nutrients, 2010, 56: 297-306.

27) Faming Wang, Zhu W, Xia H, Fu S, Li Z*; Nitrogen Mineralization and Leaching in the Early Stages of a Subtropical Reforestation in Southern, Restoration Ecology, 2010, 18: 313-322.