
International Symposium on the Family Magnoliaceae Held in SCBG

Date: May 11, 2009

On May 5-8, the 2nd International Symposium on the Family Magnoliaceae (ISFM), an international conference in global Magnoliaceae research field, was held in South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), Guangzhou. More than 150 delegates from 22 countries and regions participated in the meeting. It was organized by SCBG, Botanical Garden Conservation International (BGCI), Magnolia Society International (MSI), etc. The theme of this symposium is to enhance the exchange of Magnoliaceae research worldwide, and to promote the conservation and sustainable utilization of Magnoliaceous plant resources.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Dr. FU Shenglei, the deputy director of SCBG. The Secretary-General of BGCI Ms. Sara Oldfield, the president of MSI Ms. Susan P. Treadway, the director of SCBG Dr. HUANG Hongwen, and the Chairman of the Academic Committee for the Symposium Dr. XIA Nianhe made a speech, respectively. Subsequently, BGCI, MSI and SCBG signed the "World Magnolia Center" cooperation agreement. They promised to jointly support the center to carry out worldwide Magnoliaceae plant germplasm resources ex situ conservation studies through exchanging seedlings with Asian, American and Oceanian botanical gardens, farms and nurseries. Huang Hongwen, Sara Oldfield and Susan P. Treadway also unveiled the "World Magnolia Center" plaque, marking the center settled in SCBG.

The four-day symposium included plenary reports, group discussion and poster exhibitions. The delegates actively participated in the discussion of the following fields about Magnoliaceae, including the systematics and phytogeography, morphology and anatomy, molecular biology, cytology and phytochemistry, conservation, physiology and ecology, cultivation, propagation and cultivar breeding, gardening and landscaping. During the meeting, the delegates also visited the Magnolia Garden of SCBG, and took an excursion to Nankunshan Nature Reserve to inspect wild Magnoliaceous plants.

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