2) Xujun Liu, Nadan Tan, Guoyi Zhou, Deqiang Zhang, Qianmei Zhang, Shizhong Liu, Guowei Chu, Juxiu Liu*. Plant diversity and species turnover co-regulate soil N and P availability in Dinghushan forests, southern China. Plant and Soil, 2021:1-16.
3) Wu, David T. Tissue, Xu Li, Shizhong Liu, Guowei Chu, Guoyi Zhou, Yuelin Li, Mianhai Zheng, Ze Meng, Juxiu Liu*. Long-term effects of 7-year warming experiment in the field on leaf hydraulic and economic traits of subtropical tree species. Global Change Biology, 2020, 26:7144-7157.
4) Xiong Fang, Guoyi Zhou, Chao Qu, Wenjuan Huang, Deqiang Zhang, Yuelin Li, Zhigang Yi, Juxiu Liu*. Translocating subtropical forest soils to a warmer region alters microbial communities and increases the decomposition of mineral-associated organic carbon. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020, 142:107707
5) Ting Wu, Shizhong Liu, Zhiyang Lie Mianhai Zheng, Honglang Duan,Guowei Chu, Ze Meng, Guoyi Zhou, Juxiu Liu*. Divergent effects of a 6-year warming experiment on the nutrient productivities of subtropical tree species. Forest Ecology and Management, 2020,461;117952
6) Zhiyang Lie, Wei Lin, Wenjuan Huang, Xiong Fang, Chumin Huang, Ting Wu, Guowei Chu, Shizhong Liu, Ze Meng, Guoyi Zhou, Juxiu Liu*. Warming changes soil N and P supplies in model tropical forests. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2019, 55:750-763
7) Honglang Duan, Yiyong Li, Yue Xu,Shuangxi Zhou, Juan Liu, David T. Tissue and Juxiu Liu*. Contrasting drought sensitivity and post-drought resilience among three co-occurring tree species in subtropical China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 272-273: 55-68
8) Juxiu Liu#, Xiong Fang#, Xuli Tang, Wantong Wang, Guoyi Zhou*, Shan Xu, Wenjuan Huang, Gengxu Wang, Junhua Yan, Keping Ma, Sheng Du, Shenggong Li, Shijie Han, Youxin Ma. Patterns and controlling factors of plant nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry across China's forests. Biogeochemistry, 2019, 143:191-205
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10) Yiyong Li, Guoyi Zhou, Wenjuan Huang, Juxiu Liu*, Xiong Fang. Potential effects of warming on soil respiration and carbon sequestration in a subtropical forest. Plant and Soil, 2016, 409:247-257.
11) Xiong Fang, Guoyi Zhou, Yuelin Li, Shizhong Liu, Guowei Chu, Zhihong Xu, Juxiu Liu*. Warming effects on biomass and composition of microbial communities and enzyme activities within soil aggregates in subtropical forest. Bio Fertil Soils, 2016, 52: 353-365.
12) Xiong Fang, Liang Zhao, Guoyi Zhou, Wenjuan Huang, Juxiu Liu*. Increased litter input increases litter decomposition and soil respiration but has minor effects on soil organic carbon in subtropical forests. Plant and Soil, 2015, 392: 139-153.
13) Juxiu Liu, Deqiang Zhang, Wenjuan Huang, Guoyi Zhou, Yuelin Li, Shizhong Liu. Quantify the loss of major ions induced by CO2 enrichment and nitrogen addition in subtropical model forest ecosystems. Journal of Geophysical Research–Biogeosciences, 2014, 119: 676-686.
14) Juxiu Liu, Wenjuan Huang, Guoyi Zhou, Deqiang Zhang. Nitrogen to phosphorus ratios of tree species in response to elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen addition in subtropical forests. Global Change Biology, 2013, 19: 208-216.
15) Wenjuan Huang, Guoyi Zhou, Juxiu Liu*, Deqiang Zhang, Zhihong Xu, Shizhong Liu. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen addition on foliar stoichiometry of nitrogen and phosphorus of five tree species in subtropical model forest ecosystems. Environmental Pollution, 2012, 168: 113-120.
16) Juxiu Liu, Zhihong Xu, Deqiang Zhang, Guoyi Zhou. Effects of carbon dioxide enrichment and nitrogen addition on inorganic carbon leaching in subtropical model forest ecosystems. Ecosystems, 2011, 14: 683-697.
17) Juxiu Liu, Deqiang Zhang, Guoyi Zhou, Benjamin Faivre-Vuillin, Qi Deng, Chunlin Wang. CO2 enrichment increases nutrient leaching from model forest ecosystems in subtropical China. Biogeosciences, 2008, 5:1783-1795.
18) Zeller Bernd, Juxiu Liu*, Buchmann Nina, Richter Andreas. Tree girdling increases soil N mineralisation in two spruce stands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2008, 40:1155-1166.