* Plant ecophysiology: Water relations, stress physiology, adaptations to water stress and forest land ecology.
* Carbon balance of forest ecosystems.
* Ecosystem functioning: Community processes, biotic interactions and the interactions among plant communities with their physical environments.
* Landscape ecology, biodiversity and ecosystem carbon and water fluxes.
1 Dennis Otieno, Li Yuelin*, Ou Yangxu, Zhang Qianmei, Cheng Jing, Liu Shizhong, Tang Xuli, Eun-young Jung, Zhang Deqiang, John Tenhunen. Stand characteristics and water use at two elevations in a sub-tropical evergreen forest in southern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 194C: 155-166. 2014 (in press).
2 Liu Juxiu, Zhang Deqiang, Huang Wenjuan, Zhou Guoyi *, Li Yuelin, Liu Shizhong. Quantify the loss of major ions induced by CO2 enrichment and nitrogen addition in subtropical model forest ecosystems. Journal of Geography Research. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2013JG002343, 2013. 2014 (in press)
3 Li yuelin, Yang Fangfang, Ou Yangxu, Zhang Deqiang, Liu Juxiu, Chu Guowei, Yaru Zhang, Dennis Otieno, Guoyi Zhou. Changes in forest soil properties in different successional stages in lower tropical China. PLoS ONE, 8(11): e81359. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0081359, 2013.
4 Zhou Guoyi, Peng Changhui, Li Yuelin, Liu Shizhong, Zhang Qianmei, Tang Xuli, Liu Jiuxiu, Yan Junhua, Zhang Deqiang, Chu Guowei. A climate change–induced threat to the ecological resilience of a subtropical monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest in south China. Global Change Biology, 19(4): 1197-1210, 2013.
5 Jingfeng Xiao,Ge Sun,Jiquan Chen,Hui Chen,Shiping Chen,Gang Dong,Shenghua Gao,Haiqiang Guo,Jixun Guo,Shijie Han,Tomomichi Kato,Yuelin Li,Guanghui Lin,Weizhi Lu,Mingguo Ma,Steven McNulty,Changliang Shao,Xufeng Wang,Xiao Xie,Xudong Zhang,Zhiqiang Zhang,Bin Zhao,Guangsheng Zhou,Jie Zhou. Carbon fluxes, evapotranspiration, and water use efficiency of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 182-183:76-90, 2013.
6 Yao Yunjun, Liang Shunlin, Cheng Jie, Liu Shaomin, Joshua B. Fisher, Zhang Xudong, Jia Kun , Zhao Xiang, Qin Qiming, Zhao Bin, Han Shijie, Zhou Guangsheng, Zhou Guoyi, Li Yuelin et al., MODIS-driven estimation of terrestrial latent heat flux in China based on a modified Priestley–Taylor algorithm. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 171-172: 187-202, 2013.
7 Li Yuelin, Yan Junhua, Zhou Guoyi, Zhang Deqiang. Quantification of ecosystem carbon exchange characteristics in a dominant subtropical evergreen forest ecosystem. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 48(1): 1-10, 2012.
8 Chen Xiaomei, Li Yuelin, Mo Jiangming, Otieno Dennis, Tenhunen John, Yan Junhua, Liu Juxiu, Zhang Deqiang. Effects of nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon fractions in the subtropical forest ecosystems of S China. Journal of plant nutrition and soil science, 175: 947-953, 2012.
9 Tan Zheng-Hong, Zhang Yi-Ping, Liang Naishen, Yue-Joe Hsia, Zhang Yong-Jiang, Zhou Guo-Yi, Li Yue-Lin, et al., An observational study of the carbon-sink strength of East Asian subtropical evergreen forests. Environmental research letters, (7) 044017. Doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/4/044017, 2012.
10 Huang Wenjuan, Liu Juxiu, Zhang Deqiang, Li Yuelin, D. Otieno, Xu Zhihong, Li Yin, Liu Shizhong, Chu Guowei. Responses of soil acid phosphomonoesterase activity to simulated nitrogen deposition in three forests of subtropical China. Pedosphere, 22(5): 698-706, 2012.
11 Liu Juxiu, Zhou Guoyi, Xu Zhihong, Duan Honglang, Li Yuelin, Zhang Deqiang. Photosynthesis acclimation, leaf nitrogen concentration, and growth of four tree species over 3 years in response to elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen treatment in subtropical China. Journal of Soils and sediments, 11:1155-1164, 2011.
12 Huang Yuhui, Li Yuelin, Xiao Yin, Katherine O.Wenigmann, Zhou Guoyi, Zhang Deqiang, Mike Wenigmann, Tang Xuli, Liu Juxiu. Controls of litter quality on the carbon sink in soils through partitioning the products of decomposing litter in a forest succession series in South China. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(7): 1170-1177, 2011.
13 Hussain, M. Z., T. Grünwald, J. D. Tenhunen, Li Yuelin, H. Mirzae, C. Bernhofer, D. Otieno, N.Q. Dinh, M. Schmidt, M. Wartinger, K. Owen, Summer drought influence on CO2 and water fluxes of extensively managed grassland in Germany. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,141(1-2): 67–76, 2011.
14 Otieno D.O., Mirzaei H., Hussain M.Z., Li Yuelin., Schmidt M., Wartinger M. Jung, E., Pereira J.S. and Tenhunen J. Herbaceous layer development during spring does not deplete soil nitrogen in the Portuguese montado. J. Arid Environments 75:231-238, 2011.
15 Yang Fang-fang, Li Yue-lin, Zhou Guo-Yi, K.O. Wenigmann, Zhang De-Qiang, Mike Wenigmann, Liu Shi-Zhong, Zhang Qian-Mei. Dynamics of coarse woody debris and decomposition rates in an old-growth forest in lower tropical China. Forest Ecology and Management, 259(8): 1666-1672, 2010,
16 Zhou Guo-yi, Wei Xiao-Hua, Luo Yan, Zhang Ming-Fang, Li Yue-Lin, Qiao Yu-Na, Liu Hai-Gui, and Wang Chun-Lin, Forest recovery and river discharge at the regional scale of Guangdong Province, China, Water Resource Research. 46, W09503, doi:10.1029/2009WR008829. 2010.
17 Hussain M.Z., Otieno D.O., Mirzae H, Li Yue-Lin et al. CO2 exchange and biomass development of the herbaceous vegetation in the Portuguese montado ecosystem during spring. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 132, 143–152, 2009.
18 Liu Shen, Li Yue-lin*, Zhou Guo-yi, Zhang De-qiang. K Owen, Luo Y, D Otieno, J Tenhunen. Applying biomass and stem fluxes to quantify temporal and spatial fluctuations of an old-growth forest in disturbance. Biogeosciences. 6 (9): 1839-1848, 2009.
19 Li Yuelin, J. Tenhunen, H. Mirzae, et al. Assessment and up-scaling of CO2 exchange by patches of the herbaceous vegetation mosaic in a Portuguese cork oak woodland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 148: 1318-1331, 2008.
20 Li Yuelin, D.Otieno, K.Owen, J.Tenhunen, Zhang Yun, Lin Yong-Biao, Rao Xin-Quan. Temporal Variability in Soil CO2 Emission in an Orchard Forest Ecosystem in Lower Subtropical China. Pedosphere, 18:273-283, 2008.
21 Li Yuelin, J. Tenhunen, K. Owen, M. Schmitt, M. Bahn, D. Otieno, M. Schmidt, Th. Gruenwald, M.Z. Hussain, H. Mirzae, Ch. Bernhofer. Patterns in CO2 gas exchange capacity of grassland ecosystems in the Alps. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 148: 51-68, 2008.
22 Mirzae H, Kreyling J, Hussain MZ, Li Yuelin, Tenhunen JD, Beirkuhnlein C, Jentsch A. A single drought event of 100-year recurrence enhances subsequent carbon uptake and changes carbon allocation in experimental grassland communities. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 171 (5): 681-689, 2008.