Vegetation ecoloyg, Restoration Ecology,Molecular Ecology, Conservation Biology
1 Jian S G, Tang T, Zhong Y, Shi S H. Variation in inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) in mangrove and non-mangrove populations of Heritiera littoralis (Sterculiaceae) from China and Australia. Aquatic Botany. 2004, 79: 75-86
2 Jian S G, Zhong Y, Liu N, Gao Z Z, Wei Q, Xie Z H, Ren H. Genetic variation in the endangered endemic species Cycas fairylakea in China and implications for conservation. Biodiversity and conservation. 2006, 15: 1681-1694.
3 Jian S G, Zhou R Z, Chen H F. A new species of Michelia (Magnoliaceae) from Yunnan, China. Annales Botanici Fennici. 2007, 44:65-67
4 Jian S G, Solits P S, Gitzendaner M, Moore M J, Li R Q, Hendry T A, Qiu Y L, Dhingra A, Bell C D, Soltis D E. Resolving an Ancient, Rapid Radiation in Saxifragales. Systematic biology,2008, 57(1): 38-57
5 Li L, Wang Z F, Jian S G*(通讯作者), Zhu P, Ye W H, Ren H. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from endangered Cycas changjiangensis (Cycadaceae). Conservation genetics. 2009, 10: 793-795. (DOI 10.1007/s10592-008-9664-4).
6 Jian S G, Shi S H. Genetic variation in Heritiera littoralis (Malvaceae) from east and south Asia revealed by AFLP markers. Plant Biosystems. 2009, 143: S56-62 (IF=0.829)
7 Jian S G, Shen W J, Yang Z Y*. Enhanced adaptability of Sesbania rostrata to Pb/Zn tailings via stem modulation. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2009, 21: 1135-1141.
8 Jian SG, Ban JW, Ren H, Yan HF. Low genetic variation detected within the widespread mangrove species Nypa fruticans (Palmae) from Southeast Asia. Aquatic Botany. 2010, 92(1):23-27
9 Jian SG, Tang T, Zhong Y, Shi SH. Conservation genetics of Heritiera littoralis (Malvaceae), a threatened mangrove, from China based on AFLP and ISSR markers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2010, 38:924-930.
10 Chen Q, Li J, Zhang LM, Lu HF, Ren H, Jian SG*. Changes in the macro-benthic faunal community during succession of a mangrove forest at Zhanjiang, South China. Journal of Coastal Research. 2015. 31(2): 315-325.
11 Chen WS, Zhao G, Jian SG*, Wang ZF. Development of microsatellite markers for Suriana maritima (Surianaceae) using next-generation sequencing technology. Genetics and Molecular Research. 2015, 14 (4): 14115-14118 .
12 Chen WS, Wang ZF, Zhao G, Jian SG*. No genetic variation detected within beach plant Suriana maritima on the Paracel Islands, China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2016, 65: 171-175.
13 Chen Q, Zhao Q, Li J, Jian SG*, Ren H *. Mangrove succession enriches the sediment microbial community in South China. Scientific Reports. 2016. s | 6:27468 | DOI: 10.1038/srep27468.
14 Jian S G, Shi S H*, Zhong Y, Tang T, Zhang Z H. Genetic Diversity among Chinese Populations of Heritiera littoralis detected by Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) Analysis.Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology. 2002, 13(4): 272-276
15 Jian S G, Liu N, Gao Z Z, Wei Q, Xie Z H, Wu M, Ren H*. Biological characteristics of wild Cycas fairylakea population in Guangdong Province, China. Frontiers of Biology in China. 2006, 1(4): 430-433