Dr Hai Ren is the Professor and director of South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science (Formerly South China Institute of Botany, renamed in 2003). He received his Bachelor's degree in Biology from Central China Normal University in 1992, his Master degree in Botany in 1995, and his doctorate in Plant Ecology from South China Institute of Botany in 1997. Subsequently he joined South China Institute of Botany as research scientist. He was a senior visiting scholar of Arizona State University in 1999 and Wageningen Agriculture University in 2001.
His research has focused on the Restoration Ecology and Landscape Ecology. Specific current research includes the potential use of ecology theory as a basis for management strategies to be used in degraded ecosystems and studies on the structure, function and dynamic of forest ecosystem. He is the PI of following several projects: The restoration and reconstruction of degraded ecosystems in tropics and subtropics (financed by National Natural Science Foundation of China). The restoration of degraded mangrove ecosystem in South China (Key sub-project, financed by The Chinese Academy of Sciences), Monitoring the vegetation dynamics with RS, GIS, GPS in Pearl River Delta (Key project, financed by Guangdong Province). He has published more than 100 papers and technical articles and has authored 3 books. He has been member of peer review panels for a variety of agencies including the Chinese Natural Science Foundation. Dr. Ren was a member of editorial board of Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology. His work on tropical vegetation rehabilitation was awarded Academia Sinica Science and Technology Advancement First Prize in 1999.
Restoration Ecology and Forest Ecology
1.Taotao Han, Hai Ren*, Dafeng Hui, Jun Wang, Hongfang Lu, Zhanfeng Liu. Light availability, soil phosphorus and different nitrogen forms negatively affect the functional diversity of subtropical forests. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020, 24: e01334
2.Yang Tian, Peng Zhou,Lang Zhou, Lei Zhang, Yongbiao Lin,Yanjia Wang, Jun Wang, Dafeng Hui,Hai Ren*, Hongfang Lu*.Multi-ecosystem services differently affected by over-canopy and understory nitrogen additions in a typical subtropical forest. Global Change Biology, 2024, 30: e17192.
3.Liping Wei, Yves Bergeron, Pieter De Frenne, Kris Verheyen, Lingmin Tian, Hai Ren, Shuguang Jian*. Above- and belowground composition and diversity of subtropical plantations and their relationships with soil nutrient stocks. Plant and Soil. 2024, 495(1-2): 235-252.
4.Yanjia Wang, Yongbiao Lin, Lei Zhang, Siyu Liu, Jun Wang, Yang Tian, Daniel E. Campbell, Ruoyi Lin, Hai Ren, Hongfang Lu. Long-term effects of intercropping on multi-trophic structure and bio-thermodynamic health of mixed Eucalyptus-native tree plantations. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2024, 61(1): 103-119.
5.Wu WJ, Wang J., Yan BY, Mou ZJ, Yuan Y, Li Y, Zhang J, Kuang LH, Cai HY, Tong FC, Jian SG, Lu HF, Ren H, Liu ZF. Giant African snail invasion homogenizes seasonal soil biodiversity in tropical coral islands. Plant and Soil, 2024.
6.Hai Ren. Inaugural editorial: Biological Diversity. Biological Diversity, 2024, 1(1): 1-2.
7.Xiaofang He, Dafeng Hui, Hui Liu, Faming Wang, Kuncun Yao, Hongfang Lu, Hai Ren, Jun Wang. Responses of plant water uptake sources to altered precipitation patterns in a tropical secondary forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2024, 355: 110138.
8.Zeng YJ, Xiong YP, Liu JY, Chen XH, Li JR, Jian SG, Ren H, Zhang XH, Li Y, Bian Z, Wu KL, Zeng SJ, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Ma GH*. Physiological characteristics and transcriptomic analysis of response patterns of Gynura divaricata (L.) DC. cultured in vitro under NaCl stress. Current Plant Biology, 2024, 39:100379.
9.Hai Ren, Lei Gao, Dafeng Hui, and Qinfeng Guo. Converting Farmlands to Forests or Forests to Farmlands? Biological Diversity, 2024, 1(2): 54-57.
10.Cihao Wu, Hai Ren*, Zhanfeng Liu, Hongfang Lu, Yao Huang, Shuguang Jian, Dafeng Hui, Hongxiao Liu, Chuxi Zhu, Shike Zhang, Xiaofang He. Spatial heterogeneity of resource availability drives soil bacterial community assembly along the sandy coast of Southern China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2024, 54: e03171.
11.Xiaofang He, Dafeng Hui, Faming Wang, Qi Deng, Zhanfeng Liu, Hongfang Lu, Kuncun Yao, Hai Ren*, Jun Wang*. Dynamics of soil and foliar phosphorus fractions in a secondary tropical forest under altered seasonal precipitation patterns. Plant and Soil, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-024-06774-9
12.Lei Zhang, Siyu Liu, Yanjia Wang, Fangwei Zhang, Qiuyu Luo, Yongbiao Lin, Dafeng Hui, Shenglei Fu, Jun Wang, Zhanfeng Liu, Ruoyi Lin, Hai Ren*, Hongfang Lu*. Optimizing multiple ecosystem services in Eucalyptus plantations: Dualeffects of intercropping and restoration. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 483: 144288.
13.Taotao Han, Hai Ren*, Dafeng Hui, Yanpeng Zhu, Hongfang Lu, Qinfeng Guo, Jun Wang. Dominant ecological processes and plant functional strategies change during the succession of a subtropical forest. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 146: 109885.
14.Guo, Q., Potter, K.M., Ren, H., Zhang, P. Impacts of Exotic Pests on Forest Ecosystems: An Update. Forests, 2023, 14: 605.
15.Tengteng Li, Hao Cheng, Yue Li, Zhijian Mou, Xiaomin Zhu, Wenjia Wu, Jing Zhang, Luhui Kuang, Jun Wang, Dafeng Hui, Hans Lambers, Jordi Sardans, Josep Peñuelas, Hai Ren, Azian Binti Mohti, Naishen Liang, Zhanfeng Liu. Divergent accumulation of amino sugars and lignins mediated by soil functional carbon pools under tropical forest conversion. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 881: 163204
16.Luhui Kuang, Zhijian Mou, Yue Li, Xiaofei Lu, Yuanwen Kuang, Jun Wang, Faming Wang, Xi'an Cai, Wei Zhang, Shenglei Fu, Dafeng Hui, Hans Lambers, Jordi Sardans, Josep Peñuelas, Hai Ren, Zhanfeng Liu*. Depth-driven responses of microbial residual carbon to nitrogen addition approaches in a tropical forest: Canopy addition versus understory addition. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 340: 118009.
17.Hai Ren*, Stephen Blackmore. The role of National Botanical Gardens to benefit sustainable development. Trends in Plant Science, 2023, 28(7): 731-733.
18.Yao Huang, Hongyue Cai, Shuguang Jian, Jun Wang, Johannes Kollmann, Dafeng Hui, Lei Zhang, Hongfang Lu*, Hai Ren**. Spatial variation of soil seed banks along a gradient of anthropogenic disturbances in tropical forests on coral islands. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 344: 118512.
19.Ren H, Antonelli A (2023) National botanical gardens at the forefront of global plant diversity conservation. The Innovation, 4(5): 100478.
20.Faming Wang, Jihua Liu, Guoming Qin, Jingfan Zhang, Jinge Zhou, Jingtao Wu, Lulu Zhang, Poonam Thapa, Christian J. Sanders, Isaac R. Santos, Xiuzhen Li, Guanghui Lin, Qihao Weng, Jianwu Tang, Nianzhi Jiao*, Hai Ren*. Coastal blue carbon in China as a nature-based solution towards carbon neutrality. The Innovation, 2023, 4: 100481.
21.Zhijian Mou, Luhui Kuang, Jing Zhang, Yue Li, Wenjia Wu, Chao Liang, Dafeng Hui, Hans Lambers, Jordi Sardans, Josep Pe?uelas, Juxiu Liu, Hai Ren, Zhanfeng Liu*. Nutrient availability and stoichiometry mediate microbial effects on soil carbon sequestration in tropical forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2023,186: 109186.
22.Hualin Xu, Ke Liu, Tianzhu Ning, Gu Hunag, Qianmei Zhang, Yuelin Li, Mengqi Wang, Yiming Fan, Weili An, Lingbo Ji, Qinfeng Guo & Hai Ren* Environmental remediation promotes the restoration of biodiversity in the Shenzhen Bay Estuary, South China. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2022, 8: 2026250.
23.Hongxiao Liu, Huifu Nong, Hai Ren*, Ke Liu. The effect of nature exposure, nature connectedness on mental well-being and ill-being in a general Chinese population. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2022, 222: 104397.
24.Hongxiao Liu, Perrine Hamel*, L′ea Tardieu, Roy P. Remme, Baolong Han, Hai Ren. A geospatial model of nature-based recreation for urban planning: Case study of Paris, France. Land Use Policy, 2022, 117: 106107
25.Hai Ren, Faguo Wang, Wen Ye, Qianmei Zhang, Taotao Han, Yao Huang, Guowei Chu, Dafeng Hui, Qinfeng Guo. Bryophyte diversity is related to vascular plant diversity and microhabitat under disturbance in karst caves. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 120: 106947
26.Yao Huang, Hai Ren*, Jun Wang, Nan Liu, Shuguang Jian, Hongyue Cai, Dafeng Hui, Qinfeng Guo. Effects of Wollastonia biflora expansion on the soil seed bank in native forest communities on a tropical coral island. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 25: e01403
27.Liping Wei, Fr′ed′eric Gosselin, Xingquan Rao, Yongbiao Lin, Jun Wang, Shuguang Jian*, Hai Ren. Overstory and niche attributes drive understory biomass production in three types of subtropical plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 482: 118894
28.Hai Ren, Yiming Fan, Zeyuan Zou, Dafeng Hui, Qinfeng Guo, Yao Huang. Long-term structural and functional changes in Acacia mangium plantations in subtropical China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2021, 17:11-19
29.Dafeng Hui*, Xitian Yang, Qi Deng, Qiang Liu, Xu Wang, Huai Yang, Hai Ren*. Soil C:N:P stoichiometry in tropical forests on Hainan Island of China:Spatial and vertical variations. Catena, 2021, 201: 105228.
30.Zhanhui Xu, Hai Ren*, Xiao Wei, Kangting Ouyang, Dongxing Li, Yili Guo, Shujun Wen, Jifeng Long, Jun Wang, Dafeng Hui. Distribution and conservation status of Camellia longzhouensis (Theaceae), a critically endangered plant species endemic to southern China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 27: e01585.
31.Meina Wang, Suzhen Li, Lijun Chen, Jian Li, Liqiang Li, Wenhui Rao, HongLiu, Jianbin Chen*, Hai Ren*. Conservation and reintroduction of the rare and endangered orchid Paphiopedilum armeniacum, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 7: 1903817.
32.Hongxiao Liu, Hai Ren, Roy P. Remme, Huifu Nong*, Chunhua Sui. The effect of urban nature exposure on mental health: a case study of Guangzhou. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 304: 127100.
33.Melissa H. Pecundo, Thomas Edison E. dela Cruz, Tao Chen, Kin Israel Notarte, Hai Ren and Nan Li#. Diversity, phylogeny and antagonistic activity of fungal endophytes associated with endemic species of Cycas (Cycadales) in China. Journal of Fungi, 2021, 7(7): 572.
34.Manlian Wang, Liujing Huang, Huiling Liang, Xiangying Wen, Hong Liu, Hai Ren*, Hui Tang*. Conservation introduction of Illicium difengpi, an endangered medicinal plant in southern China is feasible. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 30: e01756
35.Wang Jun, Lu Hongfang*, Lin Yongbiao, Campbell Daniel E., Cai Hongyue, Ren Hai*. Dynamics of community structure and bio-thermodynamic health of soil organisms following subtropical forest succession. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 280: 111647.
36.Jun Wang, Dafeng Hui, Hai Ren, Nan Liu, Zhongyu Sun, Long Yang, Hongfang Lu. Short-term canopy and understory nitrogen addition differ in their effects on seedlings of dominant woody species in a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 31: e01855.
37.Wang, C., Liu, H., Zhu, L., Ren, H., Yan,J., Li, Z., & Zhang, H. Which traits are necessary toquickly select suitable plant species for ecological restoration? Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2021, 2: e12102.
38.Wang, J, Huang, Y., Guo, Q., Yang, L., Lu, H.*, Ren, H. Influence of Simulated Nitrogen Deposition on the Soil Seed Bank of a Subtropical Evergreen Broadleaved Forest. Forests, 2021, 12: 1538.
39.Melissa H. Pecundo, Fangfang Cai, Aimee Caye G. Chang, Hai Ren, Nan Li, Renhui Li & Tao Chen. Polyphasic approach identifies two new species of Desmonostoc (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) in the coralloid roots of Cycas fairylakea (Cycadales). Phycologia, 2021, 60(6): 653-668.
40.Yang Tian, Libin Tao, Jun Wang, Hongfang Lu*, Lixia Zhou, Daniel E. Campbell, Hai Ren*. Canopy and understory nitrogen additions did not significantly change the community structure of soil fauna under a mature subtropical forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 718: 137438
41.Chen S, Xiong Y, Yu X, Pang JH, Zhang T, Yu XC, Wu KL, Ren Hai, Jian SG, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Xiong YH, Zeng SJ, Ma GH*. Adventitious shoot organogenesis from leaf explants of Portulaca pilosa L. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 3675.
42.Hanzhi Liang, Yuping Xiong, Beiyi Guo, Haifeng Yan, Shuguang Jian, Hai Ren, Songjun Zeng, Kunlin Wu, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Youhua Xiong, Guohua Ma. Effective breaking of dormancy of Scaevola sericea seeds with seawater, improved germination, and reliable viability testing with 2,3,5-triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride. South African Journal of Botany, 2020, 132: 73-78.
43.Taotao Han, Hai Ren, Jun Wang, Hongfang Lu, Guangman Song, Robin L.Chazdond. Variations of leaf eco-physiological traits in relation to environmental factors during forest succession. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 117: 106511
44.Zhang, S, Belien, E, Ren, H, Rossi, S, Huang, J.-G. Wood anatomy of boreal species in a warming world: A review. iForest, 2020, 13(2): 130-138.
45.Shaokang Zhang, Valentina Butt , Siddhartha Khare, Annie Deslauriers, Hubert Morin, Jian-Guo Huang, Hai Ren & Sergio Rossi. Calibrating PhenoCam Data with Phenological Observations of a Black Spruce Stand. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020, 46(2): 154-165
46.Shaokang Zhang, Evelyn Belien, Hai Ren, Sergio Rossi, Jian-Guo Huang. Wood anatomy of boreal species in a warming world: a review.iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 2020, 13(2): 130-138.
47.Yao Huang, Hai Ren, Jun Wang, Nan Liu, Shuguang Jian, Hongyue Cai, Dafeng Hui, Qinfeng Guo. Relationships between vegetation and soil seed banks along a center-to-edge gradient on a tropical coral island. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 117: 106689.
48.Hanzhi Liang, Yuping Xiong, Beiyi Guo, Haifeng Yan, Shuguang Jian, Hai Ren, Xinhua Zhang, Yuan Li, Songjun Zeng, Kunlin Wu, Feng Zheng, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Youhua Xiong, Guohua Ma. Shoot organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis from leaf and root explants of Scaevola sericea. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10:11343
49.Daoping Yu, Xiangying Wen, Cehong Li, Tieye Xiong, Qixin Peng, Xiaojie Li, Kongping Xie, Hong Liu, Hai Ren. Integrated conservation for Parakmeria omeiensis (Magnoliaceae), a Critically Endangered plant species endemic to south-west China. Oryx, 2020, 54(4): 460-465.
50.Hongxiao Liu, Roy P. Remme, Perrine Hamel, Huifu Nong, Hai Ren*. Supply and demand assessment of urban recreation service and its implication for greenspace planning-A case study on Guangzhou. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2020, 203:103898
51.Hai Ren*, Haining Qin, Zhiyun Ouyang, Xiangying Wen, Xiaohua Jin, Hong Liu, Hongfang Lu, Hongxiao Liu, Ju Zhou, Yan Zeng, Paul Smith, Peter W. Jackson, Joachim Gratzfeld, Suzanne Sharrock, Haigen Xu, Zhixiang Zhang, Qinfeng Guo, Weibang Sun, Jinshuang Ma, Yonghong Hu, Qianmei Zhang, Lina Zhao. Progress of implementation on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in (2011–2020) China. Biological Conservation, 2019, 230:169-178
52.Sangsang Fan, Xiuzhi Chen, Hai Ren*, Wenjun Shen, Rongbo Xiao, Qianmei Zhang, Zhifeng Wu, Yongxian Su. Landscape structure and network characteristics of the greenway system in Guangzhou City, South China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2019, 15:25-35
53.H. REN*, H.L. YI, Q.M. ZHANG, J. WANG, X.Y. WEN, Q.F. GUO, H. LIU. Morphological, anatomical and physiological traits of Euryodendron excelsum as affected by conservation translocation (augmentation vs. conservation introduction) in South China. Photosynthetica, 2019, 57(1): 217-225
54.Shuguang Jian*, Hai Ren*. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Pemphis acidula (Lythraceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 2019, 4(1): 912-913
55.Taotao Han, Jun Wang, Hai Ren*, Huilin Yi, Qianmei Zhang, Qinfeng Guo. Changes in defense traits of young leaves in subtropical forests succession. Plant Ecology, 2019, 220: 305-320
56.Taotao Han, Hongfang Lu, Hai Ren*, Jun Wang, Guangman Song, Dafeng Hui, Qinfeng Guo, Shidan Zhu. Are reproductive traits of dominant species associated with specific resource allocation strategies during forest succession in southern China? Ecological Indicators, 2019, 102: 538-546
57.Hongfang Lu, FengYing Xu, Hongxiao Liu, Jun Wang, Daniel E. Campbell, Hai Ren*. Emergy-based analysis of the energy security of China. Energy, 2019, 181: 123-135.
58.Guangman Song, Jun Wang, Taotao Han, Quan Wang, Hai Ren*, Huoxing Zhu, Xiangying Wen, Dafeng Hui. Changes in plant functional traits and their relationships with environmental factors along an urban-rural gradient in Guangzhou, China. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 106: 105558.
59.Wang, J., Hui, D., Lu, H., Wang, F., Liu, N., Sun, Z., Ren, H*. Main andinteractive effects of increased precipitation and nitrogen addition on growth, morphology, and nutritionof Cinnamomum burmanni seedlings in a tropical forest, Global Ecology and Conservation, 2019, 20: e00734.
60.S. Yuan , N. Liu, H. Ren, H. Zhang, J. Wang. Do pioneer species enhance early performance of native species in subtropical shrublands? An examination involving six native species in South China. Community Ecology 2019, 20(1): 53-63.
61.Yuping Xiong, Haifeng Yan, Hanzhi Liang, Yueya Zhang, Beiyi Guo, Meiyun Niu, Shuguang Jian, Hai Ren, Xinhua Zhang, Yuan Li, Songjun Zeng, Kunlin Wu, Feng Zheng, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Guohua Ma*. RNA-Seq analysis of Clerodendrum inerme (L.) roots in response to salt stress. BMC Genomics, 2019, 20:724
62.Xiaoying Luo, Qianmei Zhang*, Hai Ren*, Guohua Ma and Hong Liu. Dormancy and germination of Firmiana danxiaensis, an endangered tree endemic to South China. Seed Science and Technology, 2019, 47(3): 343-349.
63.Hanzhi Liang, Yuping Xiong, Beiyi Guo, Haifeng Yan, Shuguang Jian, Hai Ren, Xinhua Zhang, Yuan Li, Songjun Zeng, Kunlin Wu, Feng Zheng, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva*, Youhua Xiong*, Guohua Ma*. In vitro regeneration and propagation from fasciated stems of Vitex rotundifolia. Environmental and Experimental Biology, 2019, 17: 169–177.
64.Hai Ren ed. Plantations: biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and restoration. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2013. New York.
65.Hai Ren, Guohua Ma, Qianmei Zhang, Xiangying Wen, Qinfeng Guo, and Hong Liu. The re-introduction of Primulina tabacum Hance, a critically endangered, endemic plant in southern China. Soorae, P. S. (ed.) (2018). Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2018. Case studies from around the globe. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN/SSC Reintroduction Specialist Group and Abu Dhabi, UAE: Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi. 243-246.
66.Chen, Q., J. Li, Q. Zhao, S. Jian, H. Ren. Changes in the benthic protozoan community during succession of a mangrove ecosystem in Zhanjiang, China. Ecosphere 2018, 9(4):e02190.
67.Xiufeng Sun, Lei Gao, Hai Ren*, Yanqiong Ye, Ang Li, Mark Stafford-Smith, Jeffery D. Connor, Jianguo Wu, Brett A. Bryan. China’s progress towards sustainable land development and ecological civilization. Landscape Ecology, 2018, 33:1647-1653.
68.Brett A. Bryan*, Lei Gao, Yanqiong Ye, Xiufeng Sun, Jeffery D. Connor, Neville D. Crossman, Mark Stafford-Smith, Jianguo Wu, Chunyang He, Deyong Yu, Zhifeng Liu, Ang Li, Qingxu Huang, Hai Ren, Xiangzheng Deng, Hua Zheng, Jianming Niu, Guodong Han & Xiangyang Hou. China’s response to a national land-system sustainability emergency. Nature, 2018, 559: 193-204.
69.Jun Wang, Zhongyu Sun, Dafeng Hui, Long Yang, Faming Wang, Nan Liu, Hai Ren*. Responses of seedling performance to altered seasonal precipitation in a secondary tropical forest, southern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 410: 27-34.
70.Fang Cheng, Hongfang Lu, Hai Ren*, Lang Zhou, Linhai Zhang, Jie Li, Xingjiang Lu, Dewu Huang, Dan Zhao. Integrated emergy and economic evaluation of three typical rocky desertification control modes in karst areas of Guizhou Province, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 161: 1104-1128.
71.Hongfang Lu, Yao-Wen Tan, Wen-Sheng Zhang, Yan-Chun Qiao, Daniel E. Campbell, Lang Zhou, Hai Ren*. Integrated emergy and economic evaluation of lotus-root production systems on reclaimed wetlands surrounding the Pearl River Estuary, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 158: 367-379.
72.Hongfang Lu, Elliott T. Campbell, Daniel E. Campbell, Changwei Wang, Hai Ren*. Dynamics of ecosystem services provided by subtropical forests in Southeast China during succession as measured by donor and receiver value. Ecosystem Services, 2017, 23, 248-258
73.Lu, H.F., Lin, B.L., Campbell, D.E., Sagisaka, M., Ren, H*. Interactions among energy consumption, economic development and greenhouse gas emissions in Japan after World War II. Renewable and sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016, 54, 1060-1072.
74.Nan Liu, Qinfeng Guo, Hai Ren*, Zhongyu Sun. Schima superba outperforms other tree species by changing foliar chemical composition and shortening construction payback time when facilitated by shrubs. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 19855.
75.Hai Ren*, Jun Wang*, Hong Liu, Lianlian Yuan, Yi Xu, Qianmei Zhang, Hui Yu, Jian Luo. Conservation introduction resulted in similar reproductive success of Camellia changii compared with augmentation. Plant Ecology, 2016, 217:219-228.
76.Wang, Y., Shao, L, Wang, J., Ren, H.*, Liu, H., Zhang, Q.M., Guo, Q.F., Chen, X.W. Comparison of morphological and physiological characteristics in two phenotypes of a rare and endangered plant, Begonia fimbristipula Hance. Phohotosynthetica, 2016, 54: 381-389
77.Hai Ren*, Hong Liu, Jun Wang, Lianlian Yuan, Xiaodong Cui, Qianmei Zhang, Lin Fu, Hongfeng Chen,Wenchao Zhong, Keming Yang, Qinfeng Guo. The use of grafted seedlings increases the success of conservation translocations of Manglietia longipedunculata (Magnoliaceae), a critically endangered tree. Oryx, 2016, 50:437-445
78.Quan Chen, Qian Zhao, Jing Li, Shuguang Jian*, Hai Ren*. Mangrove succession enriches the sediment microbial community in South China. Scientific Reports, 2016,6, 27468
79.Zhongyu Sun, Jun Wang, Hai Ren*, Qinfeng Guo, Junwu Shu & Nan Liu. To what extent local forest soil pollen can assist restoration in subtropical China? Scientific Reports, 2016,6:37188
80.J. Wang, L. Huang, H. Ren*, Z. Sun and Q. Guo. Regenerative potential and functional composition of soil seed banks in remnant evergreen broad-leaved forests under urbanization in South China. Community Ecology, 2015, 16(1): 86-94.
81.Quan Chen, Jing Li, Limin Zhang, Hongfang Lu, Hai Ren, Shuguang Jian*. Changes in the macrobenthic faunal community during succession of a mangrove forest at Zhanjiang, South China. Journal of Coastal Research, 2015, 31(2): 315-325.
82.Hongfang Lu, Fangyan Fu, Hao Li, Daniel E. Campbell & Hai Ren*. Eco-exergy and emergy based self-organization of three forest plantations in lower subtropical China. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:15047.
83.Hong Liu*, Hai Ren*, Qiang Liu, Xiangying Wen, Michael Maunder, Jiangyun Gao*. The conservation translocation of threatened plants as a conservation measure in China: A review. Conservation Biology, 2015, 29(6): 1537-1551.
84.Qinfeng Guo* & Hai Ren*. Productivity as related to diversity and age in planted vs. natural forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2014, 23: 1461-1471.
85.Hongxiao Liu, Hai Ren*, Dafeng Hui, Wenqing Wang, Baowen Liao, Qingxian Cao. Carbon stocks and potential carbon storage in the mangrove forests of China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2014, 133: 86-93.
86.Dafeng Hui*, Jun Wang, Weijun Shen, Xuan Le, Philip Ganter, Hai Ren*. Near Isometric biomass partitioning in forest ecosystems of China. PloS ONE, 2014, 9(1): e86550.
87.Hai Ren, Qinfeng Guo, Hong Liu, Jing Li, Qianmei Zhang, Hualin Xu, Fanghong Xu. Patterns of alien plant invasion across coastal bay areas in southern China. Journal of Coastal Research, 2014, 30(3): 448-455.
88.Ren Hai, Jian Shuguang, Liu Hongxiao, Zhang Qianmei, Lu Hongfang. Advances in the reintroduction of rare and endangered wild plant species. Science China Life Science, 2014, 57: 603-609.
89.Hai Ren, Shuguang Jian, Yongju Chen, Hong Liu, Qianmei Zhang, Nan Liu, Yi Xu, Jian Luo. Distribution, status, and conservation of Camellia changii Ye (Theaceae), a critically endangered, endemic plant in southern China. Oryx, 2014, 48(3): 358-360.
90.Nan Liu, Weixing Zhu*, Zhongyu Sun, Long Yang, Sufen Yuan, Hai Ren*. Canopy size dependent facilitations from the native shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa to the early establishment of native trees Castanopsis fissa and Syzygium hancei in tropical China. Restoration Ecology, 2014,22(4): 509-516
91.Hai Ren*, Linjun Li, Qiang Liu, Xu Wang, Yide Li, Dafeng Hui, Shuguang Jian, Jun Wang, Huai Yang, Hongfang Lu, Guoyi Zhou, Xuli Tang, Qianmei Zhang, Dong Wang, Lianlian Yuan, Xubing Chen. Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Carbon Storage in Forest Ecosystems on Hainan Island, Southern China. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(9):e108163.
92.Zhongyu Sun, Hai Ren*, Val Schaefer, Qinfeng Guo, Jun Wang. Using ecological memory as an indicator to monitor the ecological restoration of four forest plantations in subtropical China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014, 186: 8229-8247.
93.Hai Ren, Qingeng Guo. Comments on “What If Extinction Is Not Forever?”. Science, 2013. http://comments.sciencemag.org/content/10.1126/science.1236965
94.Xianshu Zeng, Hongfang Lu*, Daniel E. Campbell, Hai Ren*. Integrated emergy and economic evaluation of tea production chains in Anxi, China. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 60: 354- 362.
95.Sangsang Fan, Hai Ren*, Ruijiang Wang, Caiping Pan, Gu Huang, Yilan Chen, Peng Zhan, Jian Yang, Huabing Luo, Shuguang Jian and Xiaoming Wu. Vegetation Restoration and Conservation Plans for Integrated Coastal Management in Hengqin, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 2013, 129(6), 1297-1308.
96.Nan Liu, Hai Ren*, Sufen Yuan, Qinfeng Guo, Long Yang.Testing the stress-gradient hypothesis during the restoration of tropical degraded land using the shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa as a nurse plant. Restoration Ecology, 2013, 2013, 21(5):578-584.
97.Hai Ren, Hua Chen, Linjun Li, Pingheng Li, Changmou Hou, Hongfu Wan, Qianmei Zhang, Peixia Zhang. Spatial and temporal patterns of carbon storage from 1992 to 2002 in forest ecosystems in Guangdong, Southern China. Plant and Soil, 2013, 363: 123-138.
98.Qinfeng Guo*, Douglas A. Kelt, Zhongyu Sun, Hongxiao Liu, Liangjun Hu, Hai Ren* & Jun Wen. Global variation in elevational diversity patterns. Scientifi Reports, 2013, 3: 3007; DOI:10.1038/srep03007.
99.Wang J, Hui D, Ren H*, Liu Z, Yang L. Effects of understory vegetation and litter on plant Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), N:P Ratio and their relationships with growth rate of indigenous seedlings in subtropical plantations. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(12): e84130. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084130
100.Zhongyu Sun, Hai Ren*, Valentin Schaefer, Hongfang Lu, Jun Wang, Linjun Li, Nan Liu. Quantifying ecological memory during forest succession: a case study from lower subtropical forest ecosystems in South China. Ecological Indicators, 2013, 34: 192-203.
101.Zheng-Feng Wang*, Hai Ren*, Zhong-Chao Li, Qian-Mei Zhang, Kai-Ming Liang, Wan-Hui Ye*, Zhang-Ming Wang. Local genetic structure in the critically endangered, cave-associated perennial herb Primulina tabacum (Gesneriaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109:747-756.
102.Liujing Huang, Hongfeng Chen, Hai Ren*, Jun Wang, Qinfeng Guo. Effect of urbanization on the structure and functional traits of remnant subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in South China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2013, 185: 5003-5018.
103.Weijun Shen, Huili Ren, Hai Ren, G. Darrel Jenerette, Dafeng Hui.Atmospheric deposition and canopy exchange of anions and cations in two plantation forests under acid rain influence. Atmospheric Environment. 2013, 64: 242-250.
104.SF Yuan, H Ren*, N Liu, J Wang & QF Guo. Can thinning of overstory trees and planting of native tree saplings increase the establishment of native trees in exotic acacia plantations in south china? Journal of Tropical Forest, 2013, 25(1):79-95.
105.Linjun Li, Hongfang Lu*, David R. Tilley, Hai Ren*, Weijun Shen. The maximum empower principle: An invisible hand controlling the self-organizing development of forest plantations in south China. Ecological Indicators, 2013: 29, 278–292.
106.Linjun Li, David R. Tilley, Hongfang Lu*, Hai Ren*, Guoyu Qiu. Comparision of an energy systems minmodel to a process-based eco-physiological model for simulating forest growth. Ecological Modelling, 2013, 263: 32-41.
107.Jun Wang, Hai Ren*, Long Yang, Nan Liu. Seedling morphological characteristics and seasonal growth of indigenous tree species transplanted into four plantations in South China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2013, 9:203-212.
108.Long Yang, Hai Ren*, Nan Liu, Jun Wang. Informative title: Can perennial dominant grass Miscanthus sinensis be nurse plant in recovery of degraded hilly land landscape in South China? Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2013, 9:213-225.
109.Hai Ren, Qingeng Guo. Comments on “Financial Costs of Meeting Global Biodiversity Conservation Targets: Current Spending and Unmet Needs”. Science, 2012. http://comments.sciencemag.org/content/10.1126/science.1229803
110.Hai Ren, Hongfang Lu, Jun Wang, Nan Liu, Qinfeng Guo. Forest Restoration in China: Advances, Obstacles, and Perspectives. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology, 2012, 6: 7-16.
111.Hongfang Lu*, Bin-Le Lin*, Daniel E. Campbell, Masayuki Sagisaka, Hai Ren*. Biofuel vs. biodiversity? Integrated emergy and economic cost-bene?t evaluation of rice-ethanol production in Japan. Energy, 2012. 46: 442-450.
112.Dafeng Hui*, Jun Wang, Xuan Le, Weijun Shen, Hai Ren*. Influences of Certain Biotic and Abiotic Factors on the Relationship of Tree Productivity and Biomass in China. Forest Ecology and Management. 2012, 264: 72-80.
113.Zhang Jin-Ping, Shen Cheng-De, Ren Hai*, Wang Jun, Han Wei-Dong. Estimating Change in Sedimentary Organic Carbon Content During Mangrove Restoration in Southern China Using Carbon Isotopic Measurements. Pedosphere, 2012, 22(1):58-66.
114.Hai Ren, Songjun Zeng, Longna Li, Qianmei Zhang, Long Yang, Jun Wang, Zhengfeng Wang, Qinfeng Guo. Community ecology and reintroduction of Tigridiopalma magnifica, a rare and endangered herb. Oryx, 2012, 46(3):391-398.
115.Hai Ren, Qianmei Zhang, Hongfang Lu, Hongxiao Liu, Qinfeng Guo, Jun Wang, Shuguang Jian, Hai’ou Bao. Wild plant species with extremely small populations require conservation and reintroduction in China. AMBIO, 2012, 41: 913-917.
116.Liujing Huang, Weixing Zhu, Hai Ren*, Hongfeng Chen, Jun Wang. Impact of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on soil properties and herb-layer diversity in remnant forests along an urban-rural gradient in Guangzhou, southern China. Plant Ecology, 2012,213: 1187-1202.
117.Hai Ren, Xiaoming Wu, Tianzhu Ning, Gu Huang, Jun Wang, Shuguang Jian, Hongfang Lu. Wetland changes and mangrove restoration planning in Shenzhen Bay in Southern China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2011, 7: 241-250.
118.Li, L.J., Lu, H.F*., Ren, H.*, Kang W.L, Chen, F.P. Emergy evaluations of three aquaculture systems on wetlands surrounding the Pearl River Estuary, China. Ecological Indicators, 2011, 11: 526-534.
119.HF Lu, ZH Wang, DE Campbell, H Ren*, J Wang. Emergy and eco-exergy evaluation of four forest restoration modes in southeast China. Ecological Engineering, 2011, 37:277-285
120.Ping Li, Zhongliang Huang*, Hai Ren*, Hongxiao Liu, Quan Wang. The evolution of environmental management philosophy under rapid economic development in China. AMBIO, 2011, 40:88-92
121.P Li, ZL Huang, YC Xiang & H Ren*. Survival, growth, and biomass of acacia auriculiformis and schima superba seedlings across a forest restoration series in nan’ao island, south China Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2011,23(2): 177-186
122.Jun Wang, Hai Ren*, Long Yang, Danyan Li. Factors influencing establishment by direct seeding of indigenous tree species in typical plantations and shrubland in South China. New Forests, 2011, 42:19-33
123.Linjun Li, Hongfang Lu, Daniel E. Campbell, Hai Ren. Methods for estimating the uncertainty in emergy table-form models. Ecological Modelling, 2011, 222:2615-2622
124.Hai Ren, Guohua Ma, Qianmei Zhang, Jun Wang. Moss is a key nurse plant for reintroduction of the endangered herb, Primulina tabacum Hance. Plant Ecology. 2010, 209: 313-320
125.Hongfang Lu, Yu Bai, Campbell, D.E., Hai Ren*. Integrated Emergy, Energy And Economic Evaluation Of Rice And Vegetable Production Systems In Alluvial Paddy Fields: Implications For Agricultural Policy In China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2010, 91: 2727-2735
126.Zhongkui Luo,Osbert Jianxin Sun, Enli Wang, Hai Ren, Hualin Xu. Modeling Productivity in Mangrove Forests as Impacted by Effective Soil Water Availability and Its Sensitivity to Climate Change Using Biome-BGC. Ecosystems. 2010, 13:949-965
127.HF Lu, ZH Wang, DE Campbell, H Ren*, J Wang. Emergy and eco-exergy evaluation of four forest restoration modes in southeast China. Ecological Engineering, 2011, 37:277-285
128.KM Liang, ZF Lin, H Ren*, N Liu, QM Zhang, J Wang, ZF Wang, LL Guan. Characteristic of sun- and shade-adapted populations of an endangered plan, Primulina tabacum Hance. Photosynthetica. 2010, 48: 494-506
129.Jun Wang, Danyan Li, Hai Ren*, Long Yang. Seed supply and the regeneration potential for plantations and shrubland in southern China. Forest Ecology and Management.2010, 259: 2390-2398
130.GH Ma, CX He, H Ren, QM Zhang, SJ Li, XH Zhang and B Eric. Direct somatic embryogenesis and shoot organogenesis from leaf explants of Primulina tabacum. Biologia Plantarum, 2010, 54:361-365
131.Hai Ren, Qianmei Zhang, Zhengfeng Wang, Qinfeng Guo, Jun Wang, Nan Liu, Kaiming Liang. Conservation and possible reintroduction of anendangered plant based on an analysis of community ecology: a case study of Primulina tabacum Hance in China. Plant Species Biology, 2010, 25: 43-50
132.Hai Ren,Hua Chen, Zhi'an Li, Weidong Han.Biomass accumulation and carbon storage of four different aged Sonneratia apetala plantations in Southern China. Plant and Soil, 2010, 327: 279-291
133.Long Yang, Hai Ren*, Nan Liu, Jun Wang. The shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa acts as a nurse plant for seedlings differing in shade tolerance in degraded land of South China. Journal of Vegetation Sciences, 2010, 21(2): 262-272
134.Jian SG, Ban JW, Ren H*, Yan HF. Low genetic variation detected within the widespread mangrove species Nypa fruticans (Palmae) from Southeast Asia. Aquatic Botany, 2010, 92:23-27
135.Linjun Li, Hongfang Lu, Daniel E. Campbell, Hai Ren. Emergy algebra: Improving matrix methods for calculating transformities. Ecological Modelling, 2010, 221: 411–422
136.Hai Ren, Hongfang Lu, Weijun Shen, Charlie Huang, Qinfeng Guo, Zhi’an Li, Shuguang Jian. Sonneratia apetala Buch.Ham in the mangrove ecosystems of China: An invasive species or restoration species? Ecological Engineering. 2009,35(8):1243-1248
137.Long Yang, Nan Liu, Hai Ren*, Jun Wang. Facilitation by Two Exotic Acacia: Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium as Nurse Plants in South China. Forest Ecology and Management. 2009,257: 1786-1793
138.Hong-Fang Lu, Wen-Ling Kang, Daniel E. Campbell, Hai Ren*, Yao-Wen Tan, Rui-Xiang Feng, Jin-Tang Luo, Fei-Peng Chen. Emergy and economic evaluations of four fruit production systems on reclaimed wetlands surrounding the Pearl River Estuary, China. Ecological Engineering, 2009, 35:1743–1757
139.Ming-Si Wei, Zhang-He Chen, Hai Ren and Zuo-Yun Yin. Reproductive ecology of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Myrtaceae) Nordic Journal of Botany. 2009, 27: 154-160
140.Ling Li,Zheng-Feng Wang, Shu-Guang Jian, Peng Zhu, Min Zhang, Wan-Hui Ye, Hai Ren. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in endangered Cycas changjiangensis (Cycadaceae). Conservation Genetics. 2009,10(3): 793-795
141.Jun Wang, Chris Zou, Hai Ren*, Wenjun Duan. Absence of tree seeds impedes shrubland succession in southern China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2009, 21(3): 210–217
142.Jun Wang, Hai Ren*, Long Yang, Wenjun Duan. Establishment and early growth of introduced indigenous tree species in typical plantations and shrubland in South China. Forest Ecology and Management. 2009, 258:1293-1300
143.Jun Wang, Hai Ren*, Long Yang, Danyan Li, Qinfeng Guo. Soil seed banks in four 22-year-old plantations in South China: implications for restoration. Forest Ecology and Management. 2009, 258: 2000-2006
144.Zheng-Feng Wang*, Hai Ren*, Qian-Mei Zhang, Wan-Hui Ye, Kai-Ming Liang, Zhong-Chao Li. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for Primulina tabacum, a critically endangered perennial herb. Conservation Genetics, 2009,10:1433-1435
145.Ren Hai, Jian SG, Lu HF et al. Restoration of mangrove plantations and colonisation by native species in Leizhou bay, South China. Ecological Research, 2008,23(2):401-407
146.Hai Ren, Yang Long, Liu Nan. Nurse plant theory and its application in ecological restoration in lower-subtropics of China. Progress in Natural Science, 2008,18(2):137-142
147.Wen-Jun DUAN, Hai REN*, Sheng-Lei FU, Qin-Feng GUO, Jun WANG. Pathways and determinants of early spontaneous vegetation succession in degraded lowland of South China. Journal of Plant Integrative biology, 2008,50(2):147-156
148.Hai Ren, Zhi'an Li, Qinfeng Guo, Quan Wang. Bioenergy-Future Direction of China's Energy and Environment Integrated Strategy? AMBIO, 2008, 37(2): 136-138
149.DUAN Wenjun, REN Hai*, FU Shenglei, WANG Jun, YANG Long, ZHANG Jinping. Natural recovery of different areas of a deserted quarry in South China. Journal of Environmental Science, 2008, 20(4):476-481
150.Quan Wang, Ping Zhao, Hai Ren, Yoshitaka Kakubari. Spatiotemporal dynamics of forest net primary production in China over the past two decades. Global and Planetary Change, 2008,61: 267–274
151.H REN, Z YU. Biomass changes of an Acacia mangium plantation in southern China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2008, 20(2):105-110
152.Zheng-Feng Wang, Wan-Hui Ye, Sheng-Lei Fu, Hai Ren, Shao-Lin Peng. Microsatellites reveal unexpected clonal growth and genetically distinct groups in Cryptocarya chinensis in fragmented lower subtropical forest, China. Silvae Genetica, 2008, 57(6):324-332
153.Weijun Shen, Dafeng Hui, Jenerette GD, Hai Ren. Effects of changing precipitation regimes on dryland soil respiration and C pool dynamics at rainfall event, seasonal and interannual scales. Journal of Geophysical Researc–Biogeosciences 2008, 113, G03024, doi:10.1029/2008JG000685
154.Duan WJ, Ren H*, Fu Shenglei et al. Community comparison and determinants analysis of understory vegetation in six plantations in South China. Restoration Ecology. 2008. doi: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2008.00444.x
155.Ren H, Shen W, Lu H, Wen X, and Jian S. Degraded ecosystems in China: Status, causes, and restoration efforts. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2007, 3(1):1-13
156.REN Hai, LI Zhian, SHEN Weijun, YU Zuoyue, PENG Shaolin, LIAO Chonghui, DING Mingmao& WU Jianguo. Changes in biodiversity and ecosystem function during the restoration of a tropical forest in south China. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences,2007, 50(2):277-284
157.Zheng-Feng Wang, Gang Li, Sheng-Lei Fu, Hai Ren. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Cryptocarya chinensis in lower subtropical China. Conservation Genetics, 2007, 8(5): 1235-1237
158.Ren Hai, Du Wei-Bing, Wang Jun, Yu Zuo-Yue, Guo Qin-feng. The natural restoration of degraded rangeland ecosystem in Heshan hill land. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2007, 27(9):3593-3600
159.Hongfang Lu, Daniel Campbell, Jie Chen, Pei Qin, Hai Ren. Conservation and economic viability of nature reserves: An emergy evaluation of the Yancheng Biosphere Reserve. Biological Conservation, 2007, 139:415-438
160.Jian SG, Zhong Y,Liu N, Gao ZZ, Xie ZH, Hai Ren*. Genetic variation in the endangered endemic species Cycas fairylakea in China and implications for conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation,2006, 15(5):1681-1694
161.Hong-Fang Lu, DC Campbell, Zhi-An Li, Hai Ren*. Emergy synthesis of an agro-forest restoration system in lower subtropical China. Ecological Engineering, 2006, 27: 175-192
162.Guo Qin-Feng, Ren Hai*, Yin Zuo-Yun. Biodiversity’s ecosystem functioning: A unity of both quantity and quality. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2006, 30(6):1064-1066
163.Ren Hai, Joon Daane, Irael Kakang, Peng Shaolin, Ye Zhihong. Sustainable communal veld land use and livestock production options in Kudumane and Ganyesa, South Africa. Tropical Agriculture, 2005, 83(3): 241-248
164.Li Zhi An, Zou Bi, Hia Hanping, Ren Hai et al. Litterfall dynamics of an evergreen broadleaf forest and a pine forest in the subtropical region of China. Forest Science, 2005,51(6):608-615
165.Yin ZY, Peng SL, Hai Ren et al. LogCauchy, log-sech and lognormal distributions of species abundances in forest communities. Ecological Modelling, 2005,184:329-340
166.Yin ZY, Hai Ren* et al. Species abundances in a forest community in South China: A case of Poisson lognormal distribution. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2005,47(7):801-810
167.Yin ZY, Guo QF, Hai Ren et al. Seasonal changes in spatial patterns of two annual plants in the Chihuahuan Desert, USA. Plant Ecology, 2005,178:189-199.
168.Shaolin Peng, Ren Hai*, et al. Interaction between major agricultural ecosystems and the global change in Eastern China. In Elena Milanova ed. Understanding land-use and land-cover change in global and regional context. New Hampshire: Science Publishers, Inc. 2005, 61-83
169.Ren Hai, Li Zhi’an, Jian Shuguang, Peng Shaolin, Yu Zuoyue, Wang Zhengfeng. Ecological Models for Rehabilitation of Degraded Hilly Lands in Southern China. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2004,9:312-319
170.Li Zhi-An, CaoYS, Zou B, Ding YZ, Ren Hai. Acid buffering capacity of forest litter from some important plantation and natural forests in South China. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2003,45(12):1398-1407
171.PENG Shao-Lin, REN Hai*, WU Jian-Guo. Effects of Litter Removal on Plant Species Diversity: A Case Study in Tropical Eucalyptus Forest Ecosystems in South China. Journal of environmental sciences,2003,15(3)367-371.
172.Ren Hai, Peng Shaolin. The Practice of Ecological Restoration in China: A Conference Report. Ecological Restoration, 2003,21(2): 122-125
173.Ren Hai, Peng Shaolin, Wu Jianguo. Degraded ecosystem and restoration ecology in China. The restoration and management of derelict land-modern approaches (Wong MH & Bradshaw AD edit), London: World Scientific, 2002,190-210
174.Peng Nan, Shaolin Peng, Hai Ren, Suhua Shi, Chunjie Tian, Yang Zhong. Genetic Diversity of Primula ovalifolia from Central and Southwest China Based on ISSR Markers. Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2002,13(2):119-123
175.Peng Nan, Shaolin Peng, Suhua Shi, Hai Ren, Ji Yang, Yang Zhong. Interpopulation congruence in Chinese Primula ovalifolia revealed by chemical and molecular markers using essential oils and ISSRs. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of Biosciences 58 (1-2):57-61
176.Ren Hai, Peng Shaolin, Yu Zuoyue. Species diversity of seven man-made broad-leaved mixed forests in South China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2002,14(1):16-25