#Co-first author,*Corresponding author
[1] Wang J, Lu H, Lin Y, Campbell DE, Cai H, Ren H. 2021. Dynamics of community structure and bio-thermodynamic health of soil organisms following subtropical forest succession. Journal of Environmental Management, 280: 111647.
[2] Wang J, Hui D, Ren H, Liu N, Sun Z, Yang L, Lu H. 2021. Short-term canopy and understory nitrogen addition differ in their effects on seedlings of dominant woody species in a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. Global Ecology and Conservation, 31: e01855.
[3] Wang J, Huang Y, Guo Q, Yang L, Lu H, Ren H. 2021. Influence of simulated nitrogen deposition on the soil seed bank of a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. Forests, 12: 1538.
[4] Wang J, Hui D, Lu H, Wang F, Liu N, Sun Z, Ren H. 2019. Main and interactive effects of increased precipitation and nitrogen addition on growth, morphology, and nutrition of Cinnamomum burmanni seedlings in a tropical forest. Global Ecology and Conservation, 20: e00734.
[5] Wang J, Sun ZY, Hui DF, Yang L, Wang FM, Liu N, Ren H. 2018. Responses of seedling performance to altered seasonal precipitation in a secondary tropical forest, southern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 410: 27-34.
[6] Ren H#, Wang J#, Liu H, Yuan L, Xu Y, Zhang Q, Yu H, Luo J. 2016. Conservation introduction resulted in similar reproductive success of Camellia changii compared with augmentation. Plant Ecology, 217: 219-228.
[7] Sun ZY, Wang J*, Ren H*, Guo QF, Shu JW, Liu N. 2016. To what extent local forest soil pollen can assist restoration in subtropical China? Scientific Reports, 6: 37188.
[8] Wang J, Huang L, Ren H, Sun Z, Guo Q. 2015. Regenerative potential and functional composition of soil seed banks in remnant evergreen broad-leaved forests under urbanization in South China. Community Ecology, 16: 86-94.
[9] Wang J, Ren H, Yang L, Liu N. 2013. Seedling morphological characteristics and seasonal growth of indigenous tree species transplanted into four plantations in South China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 9: 203-212.
[10] Wang J, Hui Dafeng, Ren Hai, Liu Zhanfeng, Yang Long. 2013. Effects of understory vegetation and litter on plant nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), N:P ratio and their relationships with growth rate of indigenous seedlings in subtropical plantations. PLoS One, 8: e84130.
[11] Wang J, Ren H, Yang L, Li D. 2011. Factors influencing establishment by direct seeding of indigenous tree species in typical plantations and shrubland in South China. New Forests, 42:19-33.
[12] Wang J, Li DY, Ren H, Yang L. 2010. Seed supply and the regeneration potential for plantations and shrubland in southern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 259: 2390-2398.
[13] Wang J, Ren H, Yang L, Li D. 2009. Soil seed banks in four 22-year-old plantations in South China: Implications for restoration. Forest Ecology and Management, 258: 2000-2006.
[14] Wang J, Ren H, Yang L, Duan W. 2009. Establishment and early growth of introduced indigenous tree species in typical plantations and shrubland in South China. Forest Ecology and Management, 258: 1293-1300.
[15] Wang J, Zou C, Ren H, Duan W. 2009. Absence of tree seeds impedes shrubland succession in southern China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 21: 210-217.
[16] Yuan Y, Li Y, Mou Z, Kuang L, Wu W, Zhang J, Wang F, Hui D, Pe?uelas J, Sardans J, Lambers H, Wang J, Kuang Y, Li Z, Liu Z. 2021. Phosphorus addition decreases microbial residual contribution to soil organic carbon pool in a tropical coastal forest. Global Change Biology, 27: 454-466.
[17] Wu WJ, Kuang LH, Li Y, He LF, Mou ZJ, Wang FM, Zhang J, Wang J, Li ZA, Lambers H, Sardans J, Penuelas J, Geisen S, Liu ZF*. 2021. Faster recovery of soil biodiversity in native species mixture than in Eucalyptus monoculture after sixty years afforestation in tropical degraded coastal terraces. Global Change Biology, 27: 5329-5340.
[18] Wei L, Gosselin F, Rao X, Lin Y, Wang J, Jian S, Ren H. 2021. Overstory and niche attributes drive understory biomass production in three types of subtropical plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 482: 118894.
[19] Yang L, Huang Y, Lima LV, Sun Z, Liu M, Wang J, Liu N, Ren H. 2021. Rethinking the ecosystem functions of Dicranopteris, a widespread genus of ferns. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 581513.
[20] Huang Y, Ren H, Wang J, Liu N, Jian S, Cai H, Hui D, Guo Q. 2021. Effects of Wollastonia biflora expansion on the soil seed bank in native forest communities on a tropical coral island. Global Ecology and Conservation, 25: e01403.
[21] Wei L, Gosselin F, Rao X, Lin Y, Wang J, Jian S, Ren H. 2021. Overstory and niche attributes drive understory biomass production in three types of subtropical plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 482: 118894.
[22] Tian Y, Tao LB, Wang J, Lu HF, Zhou LX, Campbell DE, Ren H. 2020. Canopy and understory nitrogen addition did not significantly change the community structure of soil fauna under mature subtropical forest. Science of the Total Environment.718:137438.
[23] Han TT, Ren H, Wang J, Lu H, Song G, Chazdon RL. 2020. Variations of leaf eco-physiological traits in relation to environmental factors during forest succession. Ecological Indicators, 117: 106511.
[24] Huang Y, Ren H, Wang J, Liu N, Jian S, Cai H, Hui D, Guo Q. 2020. Relationships between vegetation and soil seed banks along a center-to-edge gradient on a tropical coral island. Ecological Indicators, 117: 106689.
[25] Tian Y, Lu H, Wang J, Lin Y, Campbell DE, Jian S. 2019. Effects of canopy and understory nitrogen addition on the structure and eco-exergy of a subtropical forest community. Ecological Indicators, 106: 105459.
[26] Song GM, Wang J, Han TT, Wang Q, Ren H, Zhu HX, Wen XY, Hui DF. 2019. Changes in plant functional traits and their relationships with environmental factors along an urban-rural gradient in Guangzhou, China. Ecological Indicators, 106: 105558.
[27] Han T, Wang J, Ren H, Yi H, Zhang Q, Guo Q. 2019. Changes in defense traits of young leaves in subtropical forests succession. Plant Ecology, 220: 305-320.
[28] Liu N, Wu S, Guo Q, Wang J, Cao C, Wang J. 2018. Leaf nitrogen assimilation and partitioning differ among subtropical forest plants in response to canopy addition of nitrogen treatments. Science of Total Environment, 637-638: 1026-1034.
[29] Tang S, Xu Y, Lin Y, Hou E, Shen W, Wang J, Kuang Y. 2018. Seasonal drought may alter N availability but not water use efficiency of dominant trees in a subtropical forest. Global Ecology and Conservation, 16: e00475.
[30] Ren H, Liu H, Wang J, Yuan L, Cui X, Zhang Q, Fu L, Chen H, Zhong W, Yang K, Guo Q. 2016. The use of grafted seedlings increases the success of conservation translocations of Manglietia longipedunculata (Magnoliaceae), a critically endangered tree. Oryx, 50: 437-445.
[31] Yang L, Chen Y, Huang Y, Li Y, Wen W, Liu N, Wang J. 2016. Effects of shrub islands created by Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (AITON) Hassk. on the growth, chlorophyll fluorescence, and chloroplast ultrastructure of pine seedlings in degrade land of South China. Land Degradation & Development, 27: 729-737.
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