Nationality: Chinese Date of Birth: 1965
Current affiliation: South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Complete mailing address: South China Botanical Garden, 723 Xingke Rd., Guangzhou 510650, P.R.China
Telephone: 86-20-3725 2551 Fax: 86-20-3725 2831
E-mail: xjge (at) scbg.ac.cn
Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy
11/1997-3/2001: Majored in population genetics and conservation of mangroves,The University of Hong Kong.
Master of Science
9/1985-8/1988: Majored in Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Bachelor of Science
9/1981-7/1985: Majored in Environmental Biology, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei, China.
109. Liu J, Yan HF, Ge XJ. 2016. The use of DNA barcoding on recently diverged species in the genus Gentiana (Gentianaceae) in China. Plos ONE. 11(4): e0153008.
108. Huang HR, Wu W, Zhang JX, Wang LJ, Yuan YM, Ge XJ (*). 2016. The use of specific length amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq) as a cost effective method of genetic resource characterization in domesticated plants: a case study in Patchouli. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. In press.
107. Yao G, Drew BT, Yi TS, Yan HF, Yuan YM, Ge XJ (*). 2016. Phylogenetic relationships, character evolution and biogeographic diversification of Pogostemon s.l. (Lamiaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 98: 184-200. Doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2016.01.020
106. Zhang L, Wu W, Yan HF, Ge XJ (*). 2015. Phylotranscriptomic analysis based on coalescence was less influenced by the evolving rates and the number of genes: a case study in Ericales. The Evolutionary Bioinformatics. 11(S1): 81-91.
105. Li WM, Ge XJ, Wu W, Wang W, Hu YL, Mo YW, Sun DQ, Shi SY, Xie JH. 2015. Identification of defence-related genes in banana roots infected by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4. Euphytica, 205: 837-849.
104. Pei NC, Erickson DL, Chen BF, Ge XJ, Mi XC, et al. 2015. Closely-related taxa influence woody species discrimination via DNA barcoding: evidence from global forest dynamics plots. Scientific Reports. 5: 15127.
103. Yu H, Nason JD, Zhang L, Zheng L, Wu W, Ge XJ (*). 2015. De novo transcriptome sequencing in Ficus hirta Vahl. (Moraceae) to investigate gene regulation involved in the biosynthesis of pollinator attracting volatiles. Tree Genetics & Genomes. 11: 91
102. Zhang LN, Nason JD, Liang D, Ge XJ, Yu H. 2015. Development and characterization of microsatellite loci for Ficus hirta (Moraceae). Applications in Plant Sciences. 3(7): 1500034.
101. Yao G, Deng YF (*), Ge XJ (*). 2015. A taxonomic revision of Pogostemon (Lamiaceae) from China. Phytotaxa 200. Pp.67. Magnolia Press. Auckland, New Zealand.
100. Yan HF, Liu YJ, Xie XF, Zhang CY, Hu CM, Hao G (*), Ge XJ (*). 2015. DNA barcoding evaluation and its taxonomic implications in the species-rich genus Primula L. in China. Plos ONE. 10(4): e0122903.
99. Liu J, Yan HF, Newmaster SG (*), Pei NC, Ragupathy S, Ge XJ (*). 2015. The use of DNA Barcoding as a tool for the conservation biogeography of sub-tropical forests in China. Diversity and Distributions. 21: 188-199.
98. Ge XJ, Hung KH, Ko YZ, Hse TW, Gong X, Chiang TY, Chiang YC. 2015. Genetic divergence and biogeographical patterns in Amentotaxus argotaenia species complex. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 33: 264-280.
97. Li WM, Dita M, Wu W, Hu GB, Xie JH, Ge XJ (*). 2015. Resistance sources to Fusarium oxysporumf. sp.cubensetropical race 4 in banana wild relatives. Plant Pathology. 65: 1061-1067.
96. Huang CL, Ho CW, Chiang YC, SHigemoto Y, Hsu TW, Hwang CC, Ge XJ, Chen C, Wu TH, Chou CH, Huang JH, Gojobori T, Osada N, Chiang TZ. 2014. Adaptive divergence with gene flow in incipient speciation of Miscanthus floridulus/sinensis complex (Poaceae). The Plant Journal. 80: 834-847.
95. Liu JQ, Duan YW, Hao G, Ge XJ, Sun H. 2014. Evolutionary history and underlying adaptation of alpine plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 52(3): 241-249.
94. Erickson, D. L., F. A. Jones, N. G. Swenson, N. Pei, N. Bourg, W. Chen, S. J. Davies, X-J. Ge, Z. Hao, R. W. Howe, C-L Huang,A. Larson, M. Ma, X. Mi, J. Lang, J. Lian, S. Lum, J. Lutz, M. Meegaskumbura, J.D. Parker, I.-F. Sun, J. Wright, A. T. Wolf, W. Ye, D. Xing, J. K. Zimmerman, W.J. Kress. 2014. Comparative evolutionary diversity and phylogenetic structure across multiple forest dynamics plots: a mega-phylogeny approach. Frontiers in Genetics. 5: 358.
93. Chen WN, Hakkinen M, Ge XJ (*). 2014. Musa ruiliensis (Musaceae, Section Musa), a new species from Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa. 172(2): 109-116.
92. Li LF, Wang HY, Zhang C, Wang XF, Shi FX, Chen WN, Ge XJ (*). 2013. Origins and domestication of cultivated banana inferred from chloroplast and nuclear genes. Plos One. 8(11): e80502.
91. Yao G, Deng YF, Ge XJ. 2013. Validation of the name Pogostemon petelotii (Lamiaceae). Phytotaxa. 81: 8-44.
90. Wu W, Zhou RC, Ni GY, Shen H. Ge XJ (*). 2013. Is a new invasive herb emerging? Molecular confirmation and preliminary evaluation of natural hybridization between the invasive Sphagneticola trilobata (Asteraceae) and its native congener S. calendulacea in South China. Biological Invasion. 15:75-88.
89. Zhang L, Yan HF, Wu W, Ge XJ. 2013. Comparative transcriptome analysis and marker development of two closely related Primrose species (Primula poissonii and Primula wilsonii). BMC Genomics. 14: 329.
88. Ge XJ, Kirschner J, Stepanek J. 2012. The genus Taraxacum. In: Wu Z Y, Raven P H (eds.), Flora of China, Volume 20-21. Beijing & St. Louis: Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press. pp. 270-325.
87. Yan HF, Zhang CY, Wang FY, Hu CM, Ge XJ, Hao G. 2012. Population Expanding with the Phalanx Model and Lineages Split by Environmental Heterogeneity: A Case Study of Primula obconica in Subtropical China. PLoS ONE. 7(9):e41315.
86. Ge XJ, Hsu TW, Hung KH, Lin CJ, Huang CC, Chiang YC, Chiang TY. 2012. Inferring Multiple Refugia and Phylogeographical Patterns in Pinus massoniana Based on Nucleotide Sequence Variation and DNA Fingerprinting. PLoS ONE. 7(8): e43717.
85. Zhang CY, Wang FY, Yan HF, Hao G, Hu CM, Ge XJ. 2012. Testing DNA barcoding in closely related groups of Lysimachia L. (Myrsinaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources. 12: 98-108.
84. Li Y, Yan HF, Ge XJ (*). 2012. Phylogeographic analysis and environmental niche modeling of widespread shrub Rhododendron simsii in China reveals multiple glacial refugia during the last glacial maximum. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 50: 362-373.
83. Liu JQ, Sun YS, Ge XJ, Gao LM, Qiu YX. 2012. Phylogeographic studies of plants in China: Advances in the past and directions in the future. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 50: 267-275.
82. Huang HR, Yan PC, Lascoux M, Ge XJ (*). 2012. Flowering time and transcriptome variation in Capsella bursa-pastoris (Brassicaceae). New Phytologist. 194: 676-689.
81. Swenson NG, Erickson DL, Mi X, Bourg NA, Forero-Montana J, Ge XJ, Howe R, Lake JK, Liu X, Ma K, Pei N, Thompson J, Uriarte M, Wolf A, Wright SJ, Ye W, Zhang J, Zimmerman JK, and Kress WJ. Phylogenetic and functional alpha and beta diversity in temperate and tropical tree communities. Ecology. 93:S112-S125
80. China Plant BOL Group, De-Zhu Li, Lian-Ming Gao, Hong-Tao Li, Hong Wang, Xue-Jun Ge, Jian-Quan Liu, Zhi-Duan Chen, Shi-Liang Zhou, Shi-Lin Chen, Jun-Bo Yang, Cheng-Xin Fu, Chun-Xia Zeng, Hai-Fei Yan, Ying-Jie Zhu, Yong-Shuai Sun, Si-Yun Chen, Lei Zhao, Kun Wang, Tuo Yang, and Guang-Wen Duan. 2011. Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that internal transcribed spacer (ITS) should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA.108(49): 19641-19646.
79. Liu Q (*), Peterson PM, Ge XJ(*). 2011. Phylogenetic signals in the realized climate niches of Chinese grasses (Poaceae). Plant Ecology.212: 1733-1746.
78. Chou YW, Thomas PI, Ge XJ, LePage BA, Wang CN. 2011. Refugia and phylogeography of Taiwania in East Asia. Journal of Biogeography. 38: 1992-2005.
77. Pei NC, Lian JY, Erickson DL, Swenson NG, Kress WJ, Ye WH (*), Ge XJ (*). 2011. Exploring Tree-Habitat Associations in a Chinese Subtropical Forest Plot Using a Molecular Phylogeny Generated from DNA Barcode Loci. PLoS ONE. 6(6):e21273.
76. 刘艳, 王建秀, 葛学军(*), 曹同(*). 2011. rps4作为苔藓植物候选条形码的可行性:基于GenBank数据的分析. 生物多样性. 19: 311-318.
75. 裴男才, 张金龙, 米湘成, 葛学军*. 2011. 植物DNA条形码促进系统发育群落生态学发展. 生物多样性. 19: 284-294.
74. Li DZ, Liu JQ, Chen ZD, Wang H, Ge XJ, Zhou SL, Gao LM, Fu CX, Chen SL. 2011. Plant DNA barcoding in China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 49: 165-168.
73. Li Y, Zhai SN, Zhai SN, Qiu YX (*), Guo YP, Ge XJ (*), Comes HP. 2011. Phylogeography and population structure of an alpine herb, Sinopodophyllum hexandrum, in Southwest China inferred from AFLPs and cpDNA sequence analysis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 59: 412-424.
72. Yan HF, Hu QM, Hao G. Ge XJ (*). 2011. DNA Barcoding in closely related species: A case study of Primula L. sect. Proliferae Pax (Primulaceae) in China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 49: 225-236.
71. Duke N, Ge XJ. 2011. Bruguiera in the Indo-West Pacific: a morphometric assessment of hybridization within single-flowered taxa. Blumea. 56: 36-48.
70. Ge XJ, Hwang CC, Liu ZH, Huang WH, Hung KH, Wang WK, Chiang TY. 2011. Conservation genetics and phylogeography of endangered and endemic shrub Tetraena mongolica (Zygophyllaceae) in Inner Mongolia, China. BMC Genetics. 12: 1.
69. Yuan YM, Song Y, Ge XJ(*). 2011. Impatiens qingchengshanica (Balsaminaceae), a unique new species from China and its phylogenetic position. Botanical Studies. 52: 225-230.
68. Liu Y, Cao T (*), Ge XJ (*). 2011. A case study of DNA barcoding in Chinese Grimmiaceae and a moss recorded in China for the first time. Taxon. 60: 185-193.
67. Yan Y, Huang YL, Fang XT, Lu L, Zhou RC, Ge XJ, Shi SH. 2011. Development and characterization of EST-SSR markers in the invasive weed Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany. 98: e1-e3.
66. Yu H, Nason JD(*), Ge XJ, Zeng JQ. 2010. Slatkin’s Paradox: when direct observation and realized gene flow disagree. A case study in Ficus. Molecular Ecology. 19 (20): 4441-4453.
65. Wu W, Zhou RC, Huang HR, Ge XJ (*). 2010. Development of microsatellite loci for the invasive weed Wedelia trilobata(L.)Hitchc. (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany. 97: e114-e116.
64. H?kkinen M, Yeh C-L., Ge XJ. 2010. A new combination and a new variety of Musa itinerans (Musaceae). Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 61(1): 41-48.
63. Li Y, Liang L, Ge XJ (*). 2010. Development of microsatellite loci for Pinus koraiensis (Pinaceae). American Journal of Botany. 97: e39-e41.
62. Liu Y, Ge XJ, Sun QB, Cao T. 2010. Development of microsatellite markers for the moss Ptychomitrium gardneri (Ptychomitriaceae). American Journal of Botany. 97: e14-e16.
61. Liu Y, Yan HF, Cao T(*), Ge XJ (*). 2010. Evaluation of ten plant barcodes in Bryophyta (Mosses). Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 48: 36-46.
60. Li LF, H?kkinen M, YuanYM, Hao G, Ge XJ (*). 2010. Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the banana family (Musaceae) inferred from multiple nuclear and chloroplast DNA fragments, with a special reference to the genus Musa. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 57: 1-10.
59. Chen GQ, Crawford DJ, Huang HW, Ge XJ (*). 2009. Genetic structure and mating system of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus (Leguminosae), an endangered shrub in North-western China. Plant Species Biology. 24: 179-188.
58. Zhang XL, Wang YJ, Ge XJ, Yuan YM, Yang HL, Liu JQ. 2009. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Gentiana sect. Cruciata (Gentianaceae) based on four chloroplast DNA datasets. Taxon. 58: 862-870.
57. Chiang YC, Hung KH, Moore SJ, Ge XJ, Huang S, Hsu TW, Schaal BA, Chiang TY. 2009. Paraphyly of organelle DNAs in Cycas Sect. Asiorientales due to ancient ancestral polymorphisms. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 9: 161.
56. Tan XX, Li Y, Ge XJ (*). 2009. Development and characterization of eight polymorphic microsatellites for Rhododendron simsii Planch (Ericaceae). Conservation Genetics. 10: 1553-1555.
55. Chen GQ, Huang HW, Crawford DJ, Pan BR, Ge XJ (*). 2009. Mating system and genetic diversity of a rare desert legume Ammopiptanthus nanus (Leguminosae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 47: 57-66.
54. Liu Q, Ge XJ, Chen WL. 2009. Richness patterns of grasses in China’s nature reserves. Plant Ecology. 201: 531-551.
53.Huang HR, Zhou G, Ge XJ, Wei X, Jiang YS, Tang F. 2009. Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci for the Chinese medicinal plant Artemisia annua L. (Asteraceae). Conservation Genetics. 10: 593-595.
52. Huang Y, Li Y, Hu X, Ge XJ, Long CL. 2009. Development of twelve polymorphic microsatellite loci in polyploid endangered Omphalogramma vincaeflora Franch. (Primulaceae). Conservation Genetics. 10: 515-517.
王峥峰,葛学军. 2009. 不仅仅是遗传多样性:植物保护遗传学进展。生物多样性,17:330-339.
宁淑萍,颜海飞,郝刚,葛学军 (*). 2008. DNA条形码在植物中的研究进展。生物多样性, 16: 417-425.
51. Sun QB, Li LF, Li Y, Wu GJ, Ge XJ (*). 2008. Low genetic diversity of biofuel plant Jatropha curcas from China as revealed by SSR and AFLP markers. Crop Science. 48: 1865-1871.
50. Yang Y, Li Y, Li LF, Ge XJ, Gong X. 2008. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for Cycas debaoensis Y. C. Zhong et C. J. Chen (Cycadaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources. 8: 913-915.
49. Huang HR, Shu WS, Mao ZB, Ge XJ(*). 2008. Development of eight polymorphic microsatellites for a Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance (Crassulaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources. 8: 1049-1051.
48. Li ZC, Wang XL, Ge XJ(*). Genetic diversity of the relict plant Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata (Cupressaceae) in mainland China. Silva Genetica. 57: 242-249.
47. Wei X, Cao HL, Jiang YS, Ye WH, LiF, Ge XJ(*). Li F. 2008. Population genetic structure of Camellia nitidissima (Theaceae) and its conservation implications. Botanical Studies. 49: 147-153.
46.Wang FY, Ge XJ, GongX, Hu CM, Hao G. 2008. Strong genetic differentiation of Primula sikkimensis in the East Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains. Biochemical Genetics. 46: 75-87.
45. Chen T, Zhou RC, Li LF, Ge XJ, Shi SH. 2008. Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for a mangrove tree species Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engler (Lythraceae sensu lato). Conservation Genetics. 9: 957- 959.
44. H?kkinen M, Wang H, Ge XJ. 2008. Musa itinerans (Musaceae) and its intraspecific taxa in China. Novon. 18: 50-60.
43. Hung CY, Wang KH, Huang CC, Gong X, Ge XJ, Chiang TY. 2008.Isolation and characterization of 11 microsatellite loci from Camellia sinensis in Taiwan using PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA). Conservation Genetics. 9: 779-781.
42. Yang QH, Ye WH, Ge XJ, Yin XJ. 2008. Hardseedness of Ammopiptanthus nanus and Ammopiptanthus mongolicus. Journal of Arid Environment. 72: 263-269.
41. Li LF, Chen GQ, Yuan YM, Ge XJ (*). 2008. Development of thirteen microsatellite loci for Impatiens lateristachys (Balsaminaceae). Conservation Genetics. 9: 439-441.
40. Chen GQ, LiLF, HaoG, ShiSH, Ge XJ(*). 2008. Characterization of seven genomic and one dbEST-derived microsatellite loci in the river mangrove Aegiceras corniculatum (Myrsinaceae). Conservation Genetics. 9: 449-451.
39. Wang WK, Schaal BA, Chiou YM, Murakami N, Ge XJ, Huang CC, Chiang TY. 2007. Diverse selective modes among orthologs/paralogs of the chalcone synthase (Chs) gene family of Arabidopsis thaliana and its relative A. halleri ssp. gemmifera. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 44: 503-520.
38. Ning SP, Xu LB, Lu Y, Huang BZ, Ge XJ (*). 2007. Genome composition and genetic diversity of Musa germplasm from China revealed by PCR-RFLP and SSR markers. Scientia Horticulturae. 114: 281-288.
37. Li J, Ge XJ, Cao HL, Ye WH. 2007. Chloroplast DNA diversity in Castanopsis hystrix populations in south China. Forest Ecology and Management. 243: 94-101.
36. Li Y, Li LF, Chen GQ, Ge XJ (*). 2007. Development of ten microsatellite loci for Gentiana crassicaulis (Gentianaceae). Conservation Genetics. 8: 1499-1501.
35. Chen GQ, Huang HW, Kang M, Ge XJ (*). 2007. Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for an endemic shrub, Ammopiptanthus mongolicus (Leguminosae) and cross-species amplification in Ammopiptanthus nanus. Conservation Genetics. 8: 1495-1497.
34. Zhang XL, Yuan YM, Ge XJ (*). 2007. The genetic differentiation between Genetiana atunzensis and G. striolata (Gentianaceae). Botanical Journal of Linnean’s Society. 154: 225-232.
33. Wang XL, Chiang TY, Roux N, Hao G, Ge XJ (*). 2007. Genetic diversity of wild banana (Musa balbisiana) in China as revealed by AFLP markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 54: 1125-1132.
32. Wei HH, Wu P, Ge XJ, Liu M, Wei X. 2007. Chemical constituents of the seeds of Ammopiptanthus (Leguminosae) and their systematic and ecological significance. Biochemical Sytematics and Ecology. 35: 274-280.
31. Xia T, Chen SL, Chen SY, Zhang DF, Zhang DJ, Gao QB, Ge XJ. 2007. ISSR analysis of genetic diversity of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau endemic Rhodiola chrysanthemifolia (Crassulaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 35: 209-214.
30. 张小兰,葛学军,刘建全,袁永明. 2006. 粗茎秦艽与西藏秦艽(龙胆科)种间的形态学、染色体与分子界定. 植物分类学报. 44: 627-640.
29.Chiang YC, Huang KH, Schaal BA, Ge XJ, Hsu TW, Chiang TY. 2006. Contrasting phylogeographical patterns between mainland and island taxa of the Pinus luchuensis complex. Molecular Ecology. 15: 765-779.
28.Morgan R, YM Yuan, Ge XJ. 2005. Impatiens namchabarwensis (Balsaminaceae). Curtis’s Botanical Magazine. 2005: 205-209.
27. Ge XJ Zhou XL, Li ZC, Hsu TW, Schaal BA, Chiang TY. 2005. Genetic structure of the relict Amentotaxus argotaenia complex (Taxaceae) based on ISSR fingerprinting. Journal of Plant Research. 118:415-422.
26. Ge XJ, Liu MH, Wang WK, Schaal BA, Chiang TY. 2005. Contrasting population structuring of wild banana, Musa balbisiana, in China based on evidence between SSR fingerprinting and cpDNA PCR-RFLP. Molecular Ecology. 14: 933-944.
25. Ge XJ, Yu Y, Yuan YM, Huang HW, Yang C. 2005. Genetic variation of the endangered evergreen desert plant Ammopiptanthus Cheng f. (Leguminosae) revealed with ISSR markers. Annals of Botany. 95: 843-851.
24.XieGW, WangDL YUAN YM, Ge XJ (*). 2005. Clonal genetic diversity of Monimopetalum chinense (Celastraceae), a rare endemic species of eastern China. Annals of Botany. 95: 773-777.
23. Ge XJ.Zhang LB, Yuan YM, Hao G, Chiang TY. 2005. Strong genetic differentiation of the East-Himalayan Megacodon stylophorus (Gentianaceae) detected by Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR). Biodiversity and Conservation. 14: 849-861.
22. Sun JH, Li ZC, Jewett DK, Britton KO, Ye WH, Ge XJ (*) . 2005. Genetic diversity of kudzu (Pueraria lobata) and closely related taxa as revealed by intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR) analysis. Weed Research. 45: 255-260.
21. Tan FX, Huang YL, Ge XJ, Su GH, Ni XW, Shi SH. 2005. Population genetic structure and conservation implications of Ceriops decancdra in Malay Peninsula and North Australia. Aquatic Botany. 81: 175-188.
20. Xiao LQ, Gong X, Hao G, Ge XJ, Tian B, Zheng SX. 2005. Comparison of the genetic diversity in two species of cycads. Australian Journal of Botany. 53: 219-223.
19. Xia T, Chen SL, Chen SY, Ge XJ. 2005. Genetic variation within and among populations of Rhodiola alsia (Crassulaceae) native to the Tibetan Plateau as detected by ISSR markers. Biochemical Genetics. 43: 87-101.
18. Xue DW, Ge XJ, Hao G, Zhang CQ. 2004. High genetic diversity in a rare, narrowly endemic primrose species: Primula interjacens (Primulaceae). Acta Botanica Sinica. 46: 1163-1169.
17. Ye WH, Mu HP, Cao HL, Ge XJ (*). 2004. Genetic structure of the invasive Chromolaena odorata in Chna. Weed Research. 44: 129-135.
16. Wang DL, Li ZC, Hao G, Chiang TY, Ge XJ (*). 2004. Genetic diversity of Calocedrus macrolepis (Cupressaceae) in southwestern China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 32: 797-807.
15. Xiao LQ, Ge XJ,Gong X, Hao G, Zhang SX. 2004. ISSR variation in the endemic and endangered plant Cycas guizhouensis (Cycadaceae). Annals of Botany. 94: 133-138.
14. Chiang YC, Schaal BA, Ge XJ, Chiang TY. 2004. Range expansion leading to departures from neutrality in non-symbiotic hemoglobin gene and cpDNA trnL-trnF intergenic spacer in Trema dielsiana (Ulmaceae) of Taiwan. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 31: 929-942.
13. Hao G, Yuan YM, Hu CM, Ge XJ, Zhao NX. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of Lysimachia (Myrsinaceae) based on chloroplast trnL–F and nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 31: 323-339.
12. Ye WH, Li J, Cao HL, Ge XJ (*). 2003. Genetic uniformity of Alternanthera philoxeroides in South China. Weed Research. 43: 297-302.
11. Ge XJ, Yu Y, Zhao NX, Chen HS, Qi WQ. 2003. Genetic variation in the endangered Inner Mongolia endemic shrub Tetraena mongolica Maxim. (Zygophyllaceae). Biological Conservation. 111: 427-434.
10. Ge XJ, Chiang YC, Chou CH, Chiang TY. 2002. Nested clade analysis of Dunnia sinensis, a monotypic genus of the Rubiaceae, from China based on organelle DNA sequences. Conservation Genetics. 3: 351-362.
9. Chiang YC, Ge XJ, Chou CH, Lu WL, Chiang TY. 2002. Nucleotide sequence diversity at the methionine synthase locus in endangered Dunnia sinensis: An evaluation of the positive selection hypothesis. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 19: 1367-1375.
8. Sun XD, Ge XJ, Kirschner J, Stipanek J. 2001. Taraxacum siphonanthum, a new species from Nei Mongol, NE China. Folia Geobotanica. 36: 209-214.
7. Ge XJ, Sun M. 2001. Population genetic structure of Ceriops tagal (Rhizophoraceae) in Thailand and China. Wetland Ecology and Management. 9: 213-219.
6. Wei XY, Xie, HH, Ge XJ, Zhang FX. 2000. New irinoids from Dunnia sinensis. Phytochemistry. 53: 837-840.
5. Wei XY, Xie HH, Liu MF, Ge XJ. 2000. 1-Epi-deacetylaconitine, a new norditerpenoid alkaloid from Aconitum nemorum. Heterocycles. 53: 2027-2031.
4. Huang JC, Ge XJ, Sun M. 2000. Modified CTAB protocol using a silica matrix for isolation of plant genomic DNA. Biotechniques. 28: 432-434.
3. Ge XJ, Sun M. 1999. Reproductive biology and genetic diversity of a cryptoviviparous mangrove Aegiceras corniculatum (Myrsinaceae) using allozyme and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis. Molecular Ecology. 8: 2061-2070.
2. 葛学军, 林有润, 翟大同. 1999. 中国植物志. 80(2). 科学出版社。
1. Ge XJ, Zhai DT. 1999. The identity of Taraxacum altune. Novon. 9: 46.