Plant Sciences Center

Liao Jingping
Highest Education
Managing Director of Horticulture Center
No. 723, Xingke Rd, Guangzhou 510650
Education and Appointments
7/2002-present, professor and research scientist, plant structure and development, South China Institute of Botany (SCIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China.
10/2000-6/2001, Visiting Scientist of palynology and molecular systematics in National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA.
12/1997-6/2002, Associate Professor of plant anatomy and evolution, SCIB, CAS.
6/1992-11/1997, Assistant Professor of structural botany and evolution, SCIB, CAS.
6/1986-8/1989, Teaching Assistant of taxonomy, evolution, Sichuan Normal College, Sichuan.
Research Interest
Plant Structural and Developmental Biology
Public Services
Vice Chair, Guangdong Volunteers Association for Science and Technology Promotion Vice Chair, Guangzhou Research Association of Scientific Communication Resources Vice Chiar, Guangzhou Association of Tourism Scenic Spots
Selected Publication
(1)Chen, S. H., J. P. Liao, M. Z. Luo, and B. K. Kirchoff. 2008. Calcium distribution and function during anther development of Torenia fournieri L. Annales Botanici Fennici (SCI) 45: 195-203.
(2)S.H. Chen, Y.H. Yang, J.P. Liao, A.X. Kuang and H.Q. Tian. 2008. Isolation of egg cells and zygotes of Torenia fournieri L. and determination of their surface charge. Zygote (SCI), 16 : 179-186.
(3)Huan-fang Liu, Yun-fei Deng and Jing-ping Liao, 2008. Floral organogenesis of three species of Jatropha (Euphorbiaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution (SCI), 46 (1): 53–61.
(4)Pu Zou, Jingping Liao and Dianzhang Zhang, 2008. Leaf epidermal micromorphology of Cercis (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae),Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (SCI),158:539-547.
(5)Huang SS, Kirchoff BK, Liao JP. 2008. The capitate and peltate glandular trichomes of Lavandula pinnata L. (Lamiaceae): histochemistry, ultrastructure, and secretion. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society (SCI), 135(2): 155-167.
(6)YanFeng Kuang, Bruce K. Kirchoff, YuanJiang Tang, YuanHui Liang, JingPing Liao. 2008, Palynological characters and their systematic significance in Naucleeae (Cinchonoideae, Rubiaceae). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology(SCI), 151: 123-135.
(7)Liu, H.-F., Kirchoff, B.K., Wu, G.-J., and Liao, J.-P. 2007. Microsporogenesis and male gametogenesis in Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae). The Journal of Torrey Botanic Society (SCI), 134: 335-343.
(8)Huang SS and Liao JP. 2007. Analysis on Karyotye of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. and L. pinnata L. Acta Horticulture Sinica, 34, (3): 735-738.
(9)Song, J., Zou, P., Liao, J., Tang, Y., and Chen, Z. 2007. Floral Ontogeny in Alpinia oxyphylla (Zingiberaceae) and Its Systematic Significance . Gard. Bull. Sing. 59:221-230.
(10)Lin ZM, Tang YJ Liao JP. 2007. Floral Vasculature Anatomy of Hedychium coronarium (Zingiberaceae). Jiurnal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany, 15: 23-29.
(11)Liu HF, Liao JP and Wu G J. 2007. Ultrastructure of Microspore Development in Jatropha curcas L. Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany, 15: 107-114.
(12)Chen, S., Liao, J., Kuang, A., and Tian, H. 2006. Isolation of two populations of sperm cells from the pollen tube of Torenia fournieri. Plant Cell Report (SCI), 25(11), 1138-1142.
(13)Liao, J., Zou, P., Tang, Y., Song, J., Xie, Z., Wu, Q., and Wu, T. 2005. Floral vasculature in Alpinia hainanensis in relation to the nature of the labellum in gingers. Nordic Journal of Botany (SCI), 23[5], 545-553.
(14)Ren H, Liu XJ, Luo YK Liao JP. 2004. Theory, Method and Practice of Science Education. Chinese Environmental Publisher, Beijing.
(15)Liao Jingping, Tang Yuanjiang, Ye Xiulin, and Wu Qigen. 2004. Seed Anatomy of species in Banana families and its systematic significance. Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany, 12[4], 291-298.
(16)Song Juanjuan, Liao Jingping, Tang Yuanjiang, and Chen Zhongyi. 2004. The Chromosome Numbers of Orchidantha (Lowiaceae) and Their Biogeographic and Systematic Implications. Annales Botanici Fenici(SCI), 41(6), 429-433.
(17)Song Juanjuan, Tang Yuanjiang, Liao Jingping*, Xie Zhongu, Zou Pu, Wu Qigen, Wu Telin, and Chen Zhongyi 2004. Abnormal flowers in genus Alpinia and its phylogenetic significations. Nodical Journal of Botany (SCI) 23: 177-182.
(18)Liao Jingping, Zou Pu, Tang Yuanjiang, Song Juanjuan, Xie Zhongyu, Wu Qigen, and Wu Telin . 2003. Floral vascular system of Alpinia hainanensis K. Schum. Chantaranothai, Pranom, Larsen, Kai, Sirirugsa, Puangpen, and Simpson, David. Proceedings of the third symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. 68-80. Khon Kaen, Thailand, Khon Kaen University.
(19)Liao Jing-Ping, Wu Qi-Gen. 2000. A preliminary study of the seed anatomy of Zingiberaceae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (SCI收录), 134: 287-300.
(20)Liao Jing-Ping, Wu Qi-Gen et al. Preliminary study on leaf venation of family Magnoliaceae. Proc. Intern. Symp. Fam. Magnoliaceae. Beijing: Science Press, 2000, 153-167.
(21)Liao Jing-Ping, Wu Qi-Gen et al. Embryology of Manglietia glauca var. sumatrana and Michelia guangxiensis and the abnormal development. Proc. Intern. Symp. Fam. Magnoliaceae. Beijing: Science Press, 2000, 177-187.