Plant Sciences Center

Zhang Dianxiang
Highest Education
Curator of IBSC(South China Botanical Garden Herbarium)
South China Botanical Garden, CAS, 723 Xingke Road, Tianhe, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510650 P.R.China
Education and Appointments
Research Interest
As a taxonomist by training, I have been working on the Leguminosae, Burmanniaceae and Corsiaceae for many years. My recent research works, however, are characterized by its highly synthetic nature, that is, by combining data from a wide spectrum of subjects, from traditional taxonomic revision to phylogenetic reconstruction using morphological, palynological and molecular characters to study the evolution of pantropical genus Bauhinia and the cultivated Kumquat; and with a phylogenetic framework to reveal the evolution of pollination mechanisms and sexual systems, the consequences of pollinator shifts on the genetic structure of populations, and other aspects of plant-pollinator interactions. I am using the Rubiaceous genera Mussaenda, Schizomussaenda and other genera in studying the evolution, maintenance, and breakdown of distyly; and using the Phyllanthaceous genera Bridelia, Cleistanthus, and Phyllanthus and other tropical groups in studying the evolution of sexual systems duodichogamy, heterodichogamy, monoecy and dioecy, and also the floral syndromes of tropical fly pollination and moth pollination.
Public Services
Journal of Systematics and Evolution-Editor
Selected Publication